•   01st March

Empathy must prevail in the first contact between companies and communities


For José Llamacpunca of Consultoría y Constructora Antarqui, the Social Management areas of mining companies must build trust based on an investment recovery and sales value.

During the conference "Mining Exploration: Making Social Uncertainty an Opportunity", the social manager of Vale Exploration Peru and Consultoría y Constructora Antarqui, José Llamacpunca, questioned the role of some Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) regarding mining activity.

"We know that NGOs only intervene where formal companies are, because so far we have not seen them fighting in Madre de Dios against the illegal ones. No NGO fights for the environment or for labor rights or for the protection of territories in those areas; but if they see a formal company that can finance a dialogue or agreement process they are present and we must unmask this type of opportunistic actions," Llamacpunca emphasized.

The role of Social Management

During his participation in the proEXPLO 2021 Seminar entitled “Social Management in Mining Exploration - Risk and Value Analysis,” the specialist in Social Responsibility and Community Relations also highlighted the importance of the role of the Social Management area in mining exploration.

Thus, he indicated that one of its missions is to build trust based on an investment recovery and sales value.

"Good management will maximize the value of the company, and the social aspect is directly related to the capacity to generate positive social impacts and sustainability of the company's institutional image. Therefore, it is essential that social management and investment be key elements in the execution of the business," he said.

He also emphasized that the organization or the company internally must understand the dynamics of social work with the communities.

“Let us remember that the first contact of the mining company with the communities must involve a lot of social empathy and avoid falling into confrontations such as saying that one party owns the surface and the other owns the subsoil, because it will be seen as a scenario of measuring power and strength,” emphasized José Llamacpunca.

proEXPLO 2021: Mineral Resources for a Sustainable Future
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