•   11th March

"Peruvian geology offers a very broad horizon for the growth of mining”


Gold Fields' Vice President of Exploration, Steve Brown, detailed some of the company's plans for Cerro Corona and its new Salares Norte mine in Chile.

What are your expectations for this 12th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers (proEXPLO 2021)?

In the last 12 months we have experienced - and are experiencing - a unique event that affects the lives of many people and has an impact on the vast majority of companies. It has been a very difficult experience and we are deeply sorry for all the suffering that many people in Peru and around the world have endured.

From the industry's point of view, it has been an opportunity to support not only the national economy but also the communities where we operate, improving the quality of life of many people during this difficult time and becoming an important player in contributing to the health of neighboring communities.

As an industry we have had to adapt at a pace that would have been unthinkable prior to the pandemic, and with that, we see in the 12th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers (proEXPLO 2021) the opportunity to share and learn best practices from companies regarding how they have handled the challenges that emerged as a result of the health emergency - what were the successes and failures and how we can learn as an industry to implement best practices and establish them as the new industry standards in Peru.

Also, quarantine and movement restrictions have affected the transfer of new information and techniques that are being developed nationwide and around the world; we look forward to hearing at proEXPLO 2021 about new technical advances that we can adapt to our operations.

What aspects can facilitate mining exploration?

The first factor that would help boost exploration projects and investment would be the correct adaptation of environmental regulations (environmental licenses for early drilling stages, prior consultations) and legal regulations for the early stages of exploration, where the risk is high and economic resources are short. Government agencies should improve communication about the positive impact of mining development on society and other industries, such as the agricultural sector.

How would you describe Peruvian geology?

It is very diverse. Composed of sequences of both sedimentary and volcanic rocks both invaded by magmas that carry with them metals such as gold, silver, copper, tin and everything else that forms such an important base for the Peruvian economy.

There is an extensive knowledge base of the country's geology, but it is always good to hear of new discoveries in lesser-thought-of areas, which means there is still much to learn and thus a very broad horizon for future mining growth.

Why is prospecting and exploration important for mining?

Although we now have many high-tech tools, the role of the prospector, who goes out into the field with an idea - or hope - of finding the mineral, is still fundamental. Often all you have is a pickaxe and a good pair of eyes, but the basis of all science is curiosity and persistence, and so prospecting is the foundation of the mining industry.

Exploration applies more scientific criteria to the findings and also begins to apply economic models to the discoveries in order to make the corresponding evaluations on profitability.

What investments does Gold Fields have planned for 2021-2022?

Gold Fields continues to invest in its Cerro Corona mine both technically and with commitments to our surrounding communities and strategic partners; and we are also enthusiastically investing in the search for an asset to replace Cerro Corona, as it is scheduled to close in 2032.

The other investment priority is the construction of the new Salares Norte mine in Chile, which is currently under construction and uncovering phase and will require almost U$ 510 million of CapEx during 2021 to bring the project to a 70% completion level. Project completion and production start-up is expected in 2022.

Do current copper and gold prices favor exploration for these types of mining products?

As prices rise, junior companies become more accessible to capital markets and therefore an increase in the level of exploration can be expected. What might complicate the picture is politics. So for Peru, the mere fact that prices have improved does not imply greater investment in exploration if there is not a stable environment - be it social, political or legal - in which to make investments.

What technologies are being or will be applied by Gold Fields for its prospecting and exploration activities?

We are interested in further applying artificial intelligence in the environments where data density is high enough to allow the formulation of robust algorithms for geology and geometallurgy.

In the exploration field - and being increasingly aware of the concerns of communities regarding mining activities - we follow with great interest the application of AI in the interpretation of remote sensing data such as satellites.

Also, advances in geophysical data collection with the use of UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) to minimize the environmental impact of our activities.

In addition, the progress in the development of directional drilling techniques helps us in minimizing the cost of exploration for mineral resources at depth and also the exploration footprint.

What are the professional competencies that Gold Fields will demand in the next 2, 5 and 10 years?

This information is provided by Verónica Valderrama, VP of HR for Gold Fields Americas Region.


The development of soft skills has become an invaluable necessity for every professional, especially in the mining world where rigidity and harshness have always been characteristic of the industry.

Mining engineers have to be respectful, approachable, empathetic leaders. They must know how to work in a team, give feedback and be able to receive it. Open to direct communication, teamwork and diversity in every sense of the word.

They must be aware of the importance of business sustainability, making their daily tasks an opportunity to care for and respect the environment, stakeholders, co-workers, communities and others.

It is key for professionals to be able to accomplish the following:

  • Complete professional: with a great technical and formal knowledge of mining, along with competencies and soft skills that allow him/her to have a deep sensitivity to relevant issues for the mining industry.
  • Management without fear of technology: always open to change and based on collaborative work to break paradigms linked to technology. Encourage intergenerational work, so that people learn from those who master digital processes and 4.0 technology tools.
  • Competences and creativity: Today there is a predominance of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) skills, which must be combined with art and creativity to offer innovative solutions in mining operations, and this will be essential to continue fostering innovation in the industry.
proEXPLO 2021: Mineral Resources for a Sustainable Future
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