- May 8, 2023
Minister Óscar Vera inaugurates proEXPLO 2023 event that seeks to attract more investments in mining exploration

The Minister of Energy and Mines, Oscar Vera, officially inaugurated the 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers (proEXPLO 2023), organized by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP), which will be held in person from May 8 to 10 at the Lima Convention Center, and is chaired by Sebastian Benavides.
"This event is an occasion to ratify that Peru implements mining with high quality standards and that exploration activities are developed in a conscious,
responsible and sustainable manner in harmony with the communities and without affecting the environment or people," said Minister Vera.
He also highlighted the great importance of promoting mining exploration in Peru, a strategic activity to give sustainability to our mining industry, considered one of the main ones at a global level and whose contribution is vital to achieve the economic growth and development of the country.
Oscar Vera commented that the mining exploration portfolio currently comprises 74 projects located in 17 regions and represents an investment of US$ 596 million. And 30 of the 74 projects are under execution or about to begin that stage, having all the permits granted by the Ministry of Energy and Mines (Minem), which represent an investment of US$ 134 million, 22.5% of the portfolio amount.
"In Minem we are confident in the success that proEXPLO 2023 will achieve and we are certain that this event will reach the goals set and will be able to create the baselines and content that will serve to continue disseminating the importance of mining in the country, such as the development that it has achieved, and allows it to cohabit and even enhance other traditional economic activities in its area of influence," he said.
This ceremony was held at Casa Hoross, located in Barranco, with the presence of Sebastián Benavides, president of proEXPLO 2023; Juan Carlos Ortiz, second vice-president of the IIMP; Henry Luna, president of the Geological, Mining and Metallurgical Institute (Ingemmet); the members of the Organizing Committee of the event; among other guests related to the sector.
In his opening speech, Sebastián Benavides, president of proEXPLO 2023, said that this 13th edition will be the largest in the history of proEXPLO, organized by the IIMP.
"Seeing the success of this congress, both for those participants coming from different parts of the world, as well as for the different companies and entities that will be present, betting on long-term exploration in Peru, leaves a clear message that we continue to believe in the geological potential and the future of this incredible mining country," he remarked.
Return to in-person modality
Carlos Ortiz, vice-president of the IIMP, highlighted the return of proEXPLO to in-person attendance, after the pandemic context, which forced the organizers to adapt the event to a virtual format. "This year is very special for our Institute, as it represents the return to the in-person modality of proEXPLO," he remarked.
It is worth mentioning that, prior to the start of the protocol ceremony, a minute of silence was held to remember the 27 workers who died on Saturday, May 6, after a fatal accident at the Alpacay mining unit in Arequipa.
"As a formal mining industry committed to the integrity of our employees, we have been working to ensure that these unfortunate events are not repeated," said Juan Carlos Ortiz in making this minute of silence.
The deceased belonged to a contractor company specialized in mining services, according to a public statement issued by Yanaquihua mining company.
proEXPLO 2023: Discovering the mining of the future