Press Releases
Valiente Project explores mineralization system with similar characteristics to Alumbrera in Argentina
- May 8, 2023
Valiente Project explores mineralization system with similar characteristics to Alumbrera in Argentina

On the first day of the 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers (proEXPLO 2023), organized by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP), some details of the Valiente exploration project, located in Ucayali, and discovered in 2021, by the Canadian company Hannan Metals, were disclosed.
This project has the same structural characteristics as the Bajo la Alumbrera mine in Catamarca, Argentina, as it is located in the back-arc of the volcanic arc, where mineralization also dates back to the Miocene.
"Valiente project is envisioned as a medium-small project. Structurally it has the same characteristics," said Joselyn Medina.
This was stated by Joselyn Medina during the presentation of her technical work, prepared together with Dr. Patrice Baby, where she pointed out that there is a mineralization system that coexists with an oil system in the Ucayali river basin, and also with another mineral system, which is a possible MVT (Missisipi Valley Type). "We are in a very interesting context with two mineral systems," she says.
The Ucayali basin is a sedimentary basin belonging to the sub-Andean basin system. It is known for major hydrocarbon deposits such as Camisea (gas field). For this reason, its oil system has been studied in detail, leaving aside the possible mineral system that the basin may contain.
The discovery of copper and gold anomalies at Hannan Metals' Valiente project, located on the Ucayali basin thrust and fold belt system, is the most relevant evidence of mineralization in the area and questions the possibility of a hypothetical mineral system.
According to the results obtained in Joselyn Medina's thesis, the mineral system at the Valiente Project is related to an intrusive and fault system in the area; however, a possible mineral contribution from the basin is not ruled out.
According to Medina, Valiente, in addition to being a gold and copper project, has a lead and zinc section, which coincides with previous reports made in Ingemmet bulletins since 1998.
"In the latest news it has been reported that they have more budget to continue drilling. Now, they are in the geophysical modeling stage and drilling will begin as soon as the rain stops," Medina explained.
It is worth mentioning that this research was carried out for Medina's undergraduate thesis, within the framework of a partnership with the Pontifica Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) and the Institute of Research for Development (IRD).
proEXPLO 2023: Discovering the mining of the future
proEXPLO 2023 holds minute of silence and extends condolences for the 27 miners who died in Arequipa
- May 8, 2023
proEXPLO 2023 holds minute of silence and extends condolences for the 27 miners who died in Arequipa

During the opening ceremony of the International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers - proEXPLO 2023, a minute of silence was observed for the 27 workers who died in an accident at a mining company in the Arequipa region.
Juan Carlos Ortiz, vice-president of the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers, prior to the opening speech, regretted the death of the workers and called for greater awareness and respect for the health and safety of employees to avoid fatal accidents.
"At this difficult moment, we join in a minute of silence for the disappearance of our brother workers, sending our condolences to their families to help them cope with this situation and our prayers that they may find eternal rest," he said.
"Our mining industry, committed to the integrity of our people, is working hard to ensure that these unfortunate events do not happen again. Therefore, a multi-stakeholder and interdisciplinary effort is needed to strengthen occupational safety inspection," he said.
Recently, 27 workers lost their lives as a result of a fire at the Yanaquihua mining company in Arequipa, which occurred at midnight on May 5, the causes of which are still under investigation.
The company reported that the deceased belonged to a contractor company specialized in mining services and that 175 workers were evacuated and are out of danger, thanks to the activation of the contingency plan shortly after the incident.
"We express our sincere condolences to the families and friends of our deceased brothers and assure our full cooperation and support at this tragic and painful time. We thank the regional and police authorities for their cooperation and we are at their disposal for any investigation that may be necessary," the company informed.
He also indicated that they will soon be sharing more information about the accident, together with the authorities who are present at the scene.
"At this time of great sorrow, we prioritize support for the bereaved and the rescued workers. In the following hours and days we will provide more information as soon as it becomes available," concluded Minera Yanaquihua.
Minem provides support
For its part, the Ministry of Energy and Mines informed that it has been coordinating actions with the authorities of Yanaquihua and with the private sector, represented by the National Society of Mining, Petroleum and Energy (SNMPE), to assist with the search and rescue operations being carried out by the company and the National Police.
Likewise, Minem has arranged for liaison personnel from the General Directorate of Mining Formalization (DGFM) to go to the mining unit, accompanying the team from the Arequipa Regional Management of Energy and Mines.
" Minem expresses its solidarity and condolences to the families and relatives of the workers who died while working for the company Minera Yanaquihua SAC MYSAC, which operates in the province of Condesuyos, Arequipa region," it communicated.
proEXPLO 2023: Discovering the mining of the future
As gold prices rise above US$ 1,700, Peru has only 29 years worth of reserves left
- May 8, 2023
As gold prices rise above US$ 1,700, Peru has only 29 years' worth of reserves left

During his participation in proEXPLO 2023, José Vizquerra, president and CEO of O3 Mining, warned that Peru is facing a context of reduced gold reserves and production, which should be reversed to take advantage of the high price of the metal, which will remain above US$ 2,000 at least until next year and will average US$ 1,700 in the long term.
"If we focus on reserves, Peru would have reserves for only 29 years. In other words, we're wrong if we think we're going to be rich and produce gold forever.
Time flies. More than 30 years ago, specifically in 1992, we had the most important discovery in the world, Yanacocha, and it is no longer what it was before, it no longer produces 3 million ounces," he said during a technical talk.
The executive added that a similar situation is being experienced worldwide, where gold resources have declined to 1,672,000 ounces, making it necessary to accelerate the development of gold mining projects until they become productive units to meet current and future demand.
"We can see that in 2016 there were greater gold resources compared to what we have in 2022, but these resources were not found that same year, but possibly found six or ten years earlier," he explained.
For José Vizquerra, the future of the gold industry in Peru towards 2030 "is terrible", because we are currently facing great difficulties in terms of administrative procedures for the approval of exploration and drilling permits in a shorter period of time.
"We have to do a huge effort to work together with the industry to streamline bureaucratic processes, and perhaps streamline bureaucratic processes in general, as they may be pushing us to informality because they're not delivering," he argued.
Likewise, the also president of Silver Mountain Resources argued that interest rates have increased gradually and steadily since 2004, and it was not until they began to decline in 2016 that the gold price was able to recover.
In addition to the above, he argued that gold would also benefit from the onset of a global economic recession that could come after 2023, since the metal would become a safe-haven asset to avoid the crisis and would further increase its price.
"The most important banks worldwide are extremely optimistic about the gold price. They estimate an average gold price of $1700 in the long term. But certainly, if I were to make my own assessment, I think we're going to continue to see gold above $2,000 for the next year or so," he predicted.
Finally, José Vizquerra reflected that Peru has the obligation to produce gold in an adequate and orderly manner in order to attract more young people who are committed to mining that is socially and environmentally responsible, that creates jobs and is a lever for poverty reduction.
"The only way to attract investment is to provide the necessary conditions for this money to enter the country so that we can generate the greatest number of jobs for the greatest number of people. We are not only competing for money and natural resources, we are also competing for human talent," he concluded.
proEXPLO 2023: Discovering the mining of the future
Minister Óscar Vera inaugurates proEXPLO 2023 event that seeks to attract more investments in mining exploration
- May 8, 2023
Minister Óscar Vera inaugurates proEXPLO 2023 event that seeks to attract more investments in mining exploration

The Minister of Energy and Mines, Oscar Vera, officially inaugurated the 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers (proEXPLO 2023), organized by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP), which will be held in person from May 8 to 10 at the Lima Convention Center, and is chaired by Sebastian Benavides.
"This event is an occasion to ratify that Peru implements mining with high quality standards and that exploration activities are developed in a conscious,
responsible and sustainable manner in harmony with the communities and without affecting the environment or people," said Minister Vera.
He also highlighted the great importance of promoting mining exploration in Peru, a strategic activity to give sustainability to our mining industry, considered one of the main ones at a global level and whose contribution is vital to achieve the economic growth and development of the country.
Oscar Vera commented that the mining exploration portfolio currently comprises 74 projects located in 17 regions and represents an investment of US$ 596 million. And 30 of the 74 projects are under execution or about to begin that stage, having all the permits granted by the Ministry of Energy and Mines (Minem), which represent an investment of US$ 134 million, 22.5% of the portfolio amount.
"In Minem we are confident in the success that proEXPLO 2023 will achieve and we are certain that this event will reach the goals set and will be able to create the baselines and content that will serve to continue disseminating the importance of mining in the country, such as the development that it has achieved, and allows it to cohabit and even enhance other traditional economic activities in its area of influence," he said.
This ceremony was held at Casa Hoross, located in Barranco, with the presence of Sebastián Benavides, president of proEXPLO 2023; Juan Carlos Ortiz, second vice-president of the IIMP; Henry Luna, president of the Geological, Mining and Metallurgical Institute (Ingemmet); the members of the Organizing Committee of the event; among other guests related to the sector.
In his opening speech, Sebastián Benavides, president of proEXPLO 2023, said that this 13th edition will be the largest in the history of proEXPLO, organized by the IIMP.
"Seeing the success of this congress, both for those participants coming from different parts of the world, as well as for the different companies and entities that will be present, betting on long-term exploration in Peru, leaves a clear message that we continue to believe in the geological potential and the future of this incredible mining country," he remarked.
Return to in-person modality
Carlos Ortiz, vice-president of the IIMP, highlighted the return of proEXPLO to in-person attendance, after the pandemic context, which forced the organizers to adapt the event to a virtual format. "This year is very special for our Institute, as it represents the return to the in-person modality of proEXPLO," he remarked.
It is worth mentioning that, prior to the start of the protocol ceremony, a minute of silence was held to remember the 27 workers who died on Saturday, May 6, after a fatal accident at the Alpacay mining unit in Arequipa.
"As a formal mining industry committed to the integrity of our employees, we have been working to ensure that these unfortunate events are not repeated," said Juan Carlos Ortiz in making this minute of silence.
The deceased belonged to a contractor company specialized in mining services, according to a public statement issued by Yanaquihua mining company.
proEXPLO 2023: Discovering the mining of the future
Juan Carlos Ortiz: Peru is the third country with the highest investment in mining exploration in Latin America
- May 8, 2023
Juan Carlos Ortiz: Peru is the third country with the highest investment in mining exploration in Latin America

• Vice President of the IIMP said that global investment in mining exploration will reach US$ 13 billion in 2022.
The vice-president of the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers, Juan Carlos Ortiz, stated that the 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers (proEXPLO 2033), which returned to the in-person modality, is taking place in an exceptional world context that we cannot miss as a country, since global investment in mining exploration will reach US$ 13 billion in 2022.
This reflects 16% growth over 2021, as a result of growing interest in the energy transition, the post-pandemic recovery, robust metal prices and healthy project financing conditions.
"25% of the total budget, i.e. US$ 3.26 billion, was invested in the development of exploration projects in Latin America, with the main destinations being: Chile, with US$ 713.2 million; Mexico, with US$ 633.4 million; and Peru, with US$ 531.3 million," mentioned Ortiz during the inauguration of proEXPLO 2023.
The IIMP vice-president remarked that we were the country with the third largest capital budget in mining exploration in the region, and, therefore, we continue to be an attractive jurisdiction for mining investments.
"That said, proEXPLO 2023 will become the right platform to rethink the mining exploration activity in Peru, reorient our efforts in search of greater competitiveness, and renew our image as a reliable country for investment and possessing a wide and varied geological wealth; involving the State, companies, academia, civil society and communities in these purposes," he said.
This 2023 marks the return to the in-person modality of proEXPLO, whose thirteenth edition is chaired by Sebastián Benavides and supported by a specialized team of 14 professionals with an outstanding professional trajectory in exploration issues at national and international level.
proEXPLO 2023 brings together the main players in Peruvian and international geology to analyze and debate the present and future of exploration, share proposals for the investigation of deposits, exchange experiences on new discoveries and innovative tools, and strengthen knowledge related to prospecting, exploration, investment and project development.
proEXPLO 2023: Discovering the mining of the future
ProEXPLO 2023 international exploration event begins today and returns to in-person attendance
- May 8, 2023
ProEXPLO 2023 international exploration event begins today and returns to in-person attendance

Today begins at 8:30 a.m. the conferences of the 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers (proEXPLO 2023), chaired by Anglo American's Discovery Manager for Peru-Ecuador, Sebastián Benavides, under the slogan: "Discovering the mining of the future".
Until Wednesday, May 10, the Lima Convention Center will host 30 technical studies, nine keynote lectures, six talks by special guests and two round tables, among others.
Regarding the keynote lectures, Massimo Chiaradia, Professor at the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Geneva (Switzerland), will address the topic: "Distinct Magma Evolution Processes Control the Formation of Porphyry Cu-Au Deposits in Thin and Thick Arcs".
Cyril Chelle-Michou, Professor of Mineral Resource Systems at ETH Zurich (Switzerland), will discuss "What controls the size of mineral deposits?", and Jeffrey Hedenquist, independent consultant to the mining industry and government groups in the exploration and assessment of hydrothermal gold and copper projects, will speak on "Paleosurface features of porphyry Cu(-Au) deposits: Evidence from active analogues".
Tuesday 9
On Tuesday, May 9, Director of the Centre for Ore Deposit and Earth Sciences at the University of Tasmania, David Cooke will present "Tools to aid porphyry exploration in diverse geological environments", and mineral exploration industry consultant, Anne Thompson will discuss "Alteration Mineralogy - the Full Spectrum". To close the day, John Thompson, Professor of Responsible Resources at the University of Bristol (UK), will speak on "Future Mineral Exploration".
Wednesday 10
On Wednesday, May 10, Murray Hitzman, Director of the Irish Research Centre for Applied Geoscience (iCRAG), will give a digital presentation on "The Importance of Geologic Models for Critical Metals Exploration". Also, Research Associate at James Cook University (Townsville, Australia), Stephanie Mrozek will discuss the "Antamina Geological Update", and Professor of Geological Engineering and Economic Geologist at the New Mexico School of Mines, William X. Chavez Jr. will present "Flavor of the Month - The Need for Critical Elements in a Green World".
proEXPLO 2023: Discovering the mining of the future
proEXPLO 2023 kicked off with the traditional ribbon cutting at the Technology Exhibition and Trade Show
- May 8, 2023
proEXPLO 2023 kicked off with the traditional ribbon cutting at the Technology Exhibition and Trade Show

The 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers (proEXPLO 2023), organized by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP), began with the traditional ribbon cutting of the Technology Exhibition and Trade Show, which will be held from May 8 to 10 at the Lima Convention Center.
In this edition, the Technology Exhibition and Trade Show is led in design, planning and execution by Noe Vilcas, a renowned Peruvian business-oriented geologist with more than 25 years of experience in management positions in local and foreign mining companies.
"We want the Exhibition to consolidate itself as a platform to promote the geological wealth of our territory, especially at a time when Peru is said to be among the five countries with the largest mining reserves of silver, copper and zinc," said Vilcas at the opening ceremony.
During the three days of the event, this space will offer visitors the opportunity to visit 66 stands featuring leading companies and institutions, 10 press modules and 7 Core Shack modules that will showcase the geological wealth of 8 mining exploration projects in Peru.
"We also hope that the Exhibition will contribute to enhance Peru's image as the most favorable destination for mining investments, in view of the latest Fraser Institute survey that ranks us 35th among attractive jurisdictions to develop mining," added the Exhibition manager.
For his part, the president of proEXPLO 2023, Sebastián Benavides, optimistically expressed that this exhibition complements the conference program of the congress to disseminate Peru's great geological potential at an international level and strengthen the momentum of mining exploration in the country.
"More than a trade show, the Technology Exhibition and Trade Show seeks to highlight the projects that will sustain the growth of our mining industry, attract investment for the discovery of new deposits and share innovative solutions for exploration," said Sebastián Benavides.
Benavides also considered that this is a good reason to revalue our mining tradition and make ourselves known as a safe jurisdiction for capital, even more so when Peru is the country with the third largest exploration investment budget in Latin America.
The ribbon cutting ceremony was also attended by Silvia Rosas and Eugenio Ferrari, former presidents of proEXPLO, as well as the president of Ingemmet, Henry Luna, and the president of the CIP Engineering Chapter, Germán Arce. Representing the IIMP were Carlos Diez Canseco, general manager, Miguel Cardozo, member of the proEXPLO advisory committee, and Jorde Ardila, former president of the IIMP.
Finally, the ribbon cutting ceremony continued with a tour of the different stands of the Technology Exhibition and Trade Show, which included visits to the stands of the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers, the Ministry of Energy and Mines, the Geological, Mining and Metallurgical Institute, among other entities, companies and suppliers related to mining.
proEXPLO 2023: Discovering the mining of the future
proEXPLO 2023 launches intensive courses for the advanced training of mining and geology professionals
- May 5, 2023
proEXPLO 2023 launches intensive courses for the advanced training of mining and geology professionals

This Friday, the 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers - proEXPLO 2023 began with one of the seven specialized courses for this edition. The course "Mineralizing Processes in Hydrothermal Systems - Implications for Mineral Genesis and Exploration" is given by David Cooke and is being held at the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP).
More than 30 participants are receiving training today from David Cooke, director of the Centre for Ore Deposit and Earth Sciences (CODES), and a researcher of the hydrothermal and magmatic processes leading to the formation of epithermal porphyry copper and gold ores since the mid-1980s.
The courses will continue in the next few days according to the following schedule:
- The course "ESG, the Competitive Package: Environmental, Social and Governance Tools and Practices for Explorers" will be held on Saturday, May 6, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. This is a virtual course that will be taught by Karin Torres, Aldo León, Jenny Vento, Catherine Sahley and Gabriel Pinto.
- The course "Fundamentals of Mineral Resource Estimation" will be held on Saturday, May 6 and Sunday, May 7, from 9:00 a.m. to 4 p.m. This course will be held in person at the IIMP and will be presented by Sean Horan and Rosmery Cardenas.
- The course "Geochemistry of Hydrothermal Processes - Application to Mineral Exploration" will be held on Sunday, May 7 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the IIMP. William X. Chavez Jr. will be the lecturer in charge of this course.
- The course "Geophysical Methods for Geologists" will be held on Thursday, May 11 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the IIMP facilities. José Arce will be in charge of the lecture.
- The course "Considerations for Disclosing Public Reports" will be held on Thursday, May 11 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. This is a virtual course that will be presented by Deborah McCombe of SLR, Rosmery Cardenas of SLR, Reno Pressacco of CIM, and Craig Waldie of OSC.
- The course "Epithermal Deposits and Transition to Porphyry-type Environment: Formation and Exploration" will be held on Thursday May 11 and Friday May 12 at the IIMP facilities. This course will start at 9:00 a.m. and will end at 5:00 p.m. The lecturers in charge are Antonio Arribas and Jeffrey Hedenquist.
For more information and to register for the courses, please contact us at the following links.
For more information, click here:
proEXPLO 2023
It is worth mentioning that the 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers (proEXPLO 2023) will be inaugurated on Sunday, May 7 and will develop its conference program from May 8 to 10 at the Lima Convention Center.
proEXPLO 2023 will bring together government authorities, industry leaders, national and international specialists, entrepreneurs, professors and students to discuss mining exploration opportunities, the latest technological advances and trends to ensure that this activity benefits collective development.
Learn about the conference program at the following link:
proEXPLO 2023: Discovering the mining of the future
Karin Torres: proEXPLO 2023 s ESG course is designed not only for professionals, but also for decision-makers
- May 5, 2023
Karin Torres: proEXPLO 2023's ESG course is designed not only for professionals, but also for decision-makers

The virtual course "ESG, the competitive package: Environmental, social and governance tools and practices for explorers", organized by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers, will be held on April 6 as part of proEXPLO 2023.
In the following interview, Karin Torres, an environmental engineer with more than 19 years of experience, discusses the importance of the environmental, social and governance (ESG) approach in mining, and some details of this important course.
What is the ESG approach?
The ESG approach seeks to integrate sustainability into the corporate strategy of organizations to make them more competitive and attractive to socially responsible investors.
This approach is incorporated through the definition of long-term objectives, targets and indicators aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and voluntary international standards. These objectives can be environmental, such as decarbonization and energy transition, environmental compensation with net biodiversity gain; focused on governance, such as strengthening corporate governance and transparency in reporting; or on social aspects, such as promoting equity, diversity and inclusion and human rights management, to name a few examples.
What is the challenge for the mining sector in terms of ESG criteria?
The challenge for the mining sector is to know the concepts and international standards that will allow them to transform the information they already generate and make it attractive to investors, the market and their stakeholders. For an investor, compliance with local regulations is the minimum expected of any organization.
The mining trends reports from EY, KPMG, Deloitte and PwC for 2022 and 2023 coincide in pointing out that ESG issues are among the main risks and opportunities for the mining sector and this trend will continue in the coming years.
What aspects did ESG trends in mining focus on a few years ago?
Prior to the pandemic, ESG trends focused on strengthening governance, employee health and safety management, human rights management including supply chain and host communities. The arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic brought to light the importance of the supply chain in ensuring the operational continuity of mines and new opportunities have arisen to drive efficiency, resilience and transparency in supply chain management.
The most important mining companies in the country have robust management systems for these issues. However, it remains a challenge for most companies, especially explorers.
What are the ESG trends in mining today?
Currently, ESG trends are focused on decarbonization and energy transition plans to achieve net zero emissions by 2050 under the framework of the Task Force on Climate-Related Finance Disclosures (TCFD), promoting equity, diversity and inclusion, human rights management under the framework of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP), disclosure of risks and impacts on biodiversity and natural capital to achieve net profit under the framework of the Task Force on Nature-Related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), tailings management under the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management (GISTM), and increased transparency in disclosure of information focused on various stakeholders.
In Peru, what progress has been made to strengthen the development of the ESG approach?
It is relevant to mention that the Ministry of Environment is working on developing Peru's Green Protocol (Protocolo Verde), which will identify the economic activities that are sustainable in the context of the European Green Deal. It is also important to note that mining is a key sector for the energy transition and decarbonization, so it is expected to be included in the country taxonomy. Its inclusion will make mining investments in the country more attractive, ESG issues will have greater relevance and there will be a greater offer of sustainable financing; however, to access these opportunities mining companies need to be prepared, they need to identify their sustainability risks, incorporate them into their corporate management strategy and evidence the achievement of goals and compliance with ESG commitments, these factors are key to access financing with more attractive interest rates than those offered by commercial banks.
What is the importance of the course "ESG, the Competitive Package" that you will be giving together with your colleagues?
The course is important to learn about the latest trends in environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects in the mining sector, with a regional application approach based on the international experience of the speakers in project development. The course will share successful cases of ESG implementation in mining projects that have facilitated access to financing and improved the reputation of the companies and their relationship with their stakeholders.
For example, Dr. Sahley, who is a leading international biodiversity expert who has conducted multiple studies and assessments of biodiversity risks in the mining sector, will share case studies on how to prepare these studies to meet investor requirements.
Also, attorney Jenny Vento, who has extensive experience in Human Rights, will share her experience in the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Each of the speakers will share the experiences, challenges and opportunities that exist for the implementation of sustainability strategies.
What practical tools will be taught in this course?
Practical tools will be shared on how to design ESG strategies, from how to assess sustainability risks, including the different ESG fronts, the methodologies required by investors to ensure that the risk assessment is consistent and based on scientific information that can be traceable and verifiable, to how to incorporate these ESG objectives into the mines' corporate strategy.
Within the course materials, links to the main methodologies applied in ESG assessment will be shared, so that participants can use them as a reference in the implementation of their strategies.
Who is this course for?
The course is not only intended for mine sustainability professionals, but also focuses on addressing the challenges of financial managers and decision makers, who are the first line of contact with investors.
For more information, click here:
proEXPLO 2023: Discovering the mining of the future
proEXPLO 2023: Refresh your knowledge and sign up for our ESG course for explorers
- May 3, 2023
proEXPLO 2023: Refresh your knowledge and sign up for our ESG course for explorers

If you are looking to refresh and expand your knowledge of the latest trends in the integration of environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria, the following specialized course may be of interest to you.
The course "ESG, the competitive package: Environmental, social and governance tools and practices for explorers" will address international standards, application frameworks, ESG risks, operational risk management through case studies, and the forms of disclosure and reporting of sustainability issues required by mining investors.
Strategic planning, financial and geological professionals and graduate students interested in leading the transformation of their organizations towards the new market trends can participate.
This course will be held in online modality on Saturday, May 6 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and, it is worth mentioning that it is being held within the framework of the 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers (proEXPLO 2023).
The course will be taught by leading experts, such as Karin Torres, an environmental and natural resources engineer with more than 18 years of experience in environmental and social consulting, and leader of sustainable financing projects and mergers and acquisitions processes.
In addition, Aldo León, an environmental engineer with more than 15 years of experience in the mining industry, will participate in this event, having collaborated in the preparation and management of environmental studies for mining projects in their various stage.
Also, Jenny Vento, a lawyer specialized in social conflict management, corporate social responsibility, arbitration and human rights, will be present. She has successfully worked for Anglo American Quellaveco, CONFIEP and SNMPE.
Ph.D. Catherine Teresa Sahley, ERM Biodiversity Specialist with more than 20 years working in the field of biodiversity as a program consultant, researcher and educator, will also be part of the teaching team.
Finally, Gabriel Pinto, a forestry engineer with more than 20 years of experience in environmental monitoring, who is currently Vice President of Sustainability at Sierra Metals and previously held local and global positions at Barrick Gold, will also participate as an instructor.
For more information and to participate, please contact us at, or click on the links below:
For more information, click here:
proEXPLO 2023: Discovering the mining of the future
Sebastián Benavides: "A company can explore 3 or 4 projects in Canada in the time it takes to explore a project in Peru".
- April 26, 2023
Sebastián Benavides: "A company can explore 3 or 4 projects in Canada in the time it takes to explore a project in Peru"

Sebastián Benavides, president of the International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers (proEXPLO 2023), said in an interview for the television program Tierra Adentro that permitting is one of the main obstacles for the development of mining exploration in Peru and that it makes us lose competitiveness compared to countries such as Chile, Canada and Australia.
"In Peru it takes you a year and a half to get your early exploration permit, while in Canada it can take you a few weeks and in Chile a few months, that's something that makes you less competitive. A company that wants to come to invest can explore 3 or 4 projects in Canada in the time it takes to explore one project in Peru," he said.
He further explained that improving the conditions for attracting investment in mining exploration is important to ensure the continuity of the growth that mining has experienced in recent years. In addition, it is a diversified investment, targeting all of Peru and providing development opportunities in different geographic and geological environments.
"The issue of permitting is important. Not to make the process less rigorous, but with the rigorousness that we have, to seek bureaucratic efficiencies in order to speed it up and do it at scale", emphasized Benavides.
He also indicated that our country is in a position to recover the momentum for mining exploration. Although the investment figure for 2021 (US$ 336 million) increased in 2022 (US$ 417 million), growth has not yet recovered to pre-pandemic levels.
It is worth mentioning that in 2021 the figure amounted to US$493 million and has been decreasing since then for various reasons, including bureaucratic procedures and permitting.
"We have had issues that have made us less competitive globally, even in Latin America, where in 2017 we were the main destination for mining exploration investment and today we are after Chile and Mexico, in third place," Benavides specified.
Therefore, it is time for the country to boost its investment attractiveness for mining exploration, a complicated industry, as one out of every 100 projects drilled will one day become a mine.
proEXPLO 2023
On the other hand, the president of proEXPLO 2023 invited the public to participate in the congress to be held from May 8 to 10 at the Lima Convention Center, where all the issues related to mining exploration, as well as the latest technological advances, will be discussed in depth.
"Within the program, we will have 9 keynote lectures with globally referenced exhibitors and 2 round tables that focus on certain cross-cutting themes. The first one is Diversity and Inclusion, how from exploration we can start to change the trends in the sector; also how to empower academia from the industry; and ESG issues in exploration projects," he said.
proEXPLO 2023: Discovering the mining of the future
ProEXPLO 2023: Eight mining exploration projects with the highest potential in Peru
- April 25, 2023
ProEXPLO 2023: Eight mining exploration projects with the highest potential in Peru

Despite political instability and social conflict, Peru has been developing various mining exploration activities that still make it an attractive destination for foreign investment. Jobs, increased tax contributions, improved energy and communications infrastructure are some of the benefits to communities, which are also favored with the opportunity to form companies that meet the needs of the sector, such as hotels, transportation, food services, among others. For this reason, it is important to identify which mining projects in exploration stage currently have the greatest geological potential to continue boosting the country's economy.
The projects are Ayawilca (Tinka Resources) in Pasco; Paraíso (Inversiones La Chalina) in Arequipa; Malvas (Corporación Minera Toma La Mano), Soledad (Chakana Resources) and Elida (Element 29) in Ancash; Cotabambas (Panoro Minerals) in Apurímac; Reliquias (Silver Mountain Resources) in Huancavelica; and Aurora (DLP Resources) in Cusco.
"Cotabambas and Ayawilca are the most advanced projects. The first is in pre-feasibility stage and estimates an investment of more than US$ 1.48 billion; and the second, in conceptual stage and an investment of US$ 264 million", said Álvaro Fernández-Baca, head of Project Fair at proEXPLO 2023.
In terms of greenfield projects in early development, the Soledad and Elida projects stand out, both located in the department of Ancash, where the mineral explored is mainly copper, with a combined investment of approximately US$ 50 million.
The topic of mining exploration is key to the country's economic development, which will be fully developed at the International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers proEXPLO 2023, the most important mining exploration event in the region, organized by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP), which will bring together the main players in Peruvian and international geology to exchange and strengthen knowledge related to the industry.
Congress attendees will be able to get a closer look at these projects in the Core Shack, whose modules will be located in the Technology Exhibition of the event, where companies will showcase the geological characteristics of their deposits with hand samples, cores, photographs and plans.
"The Core Shack is important because it allows companies to exhibit their mineralized samples or cores from the main exploration projects in the country and for participants to learn or expand their knowledge about their own core samples," explains proEXPLO 2023 president Sebastián Benavides.
It is worth mentioning that one of the objectives of proEXPLO is to emphasize that mining exploration must be understood from a comprehensive perspective, since each of its activities is part of a value chain, which allows consolidating the findings of new deposits. It also seeks to raise awareness of Peru's great geological potential, encourage new investments and strengthen links between prospectors, explorers and service providers.
We invite you to proEXPLO 2023, to be held from May 8 to 10 at the Lima Convention Center (district of San Borja), to access the Core Shack, the Technology Exhibition and the entire program of specialized conferences.
For more information, please visit
proEXPLO 2023: Discovering the mining of the future
Scholarship holders of "II Cantera de Talentos para la Minería" to have free access to proEXPLO 2023
- April 24, 2023
Scholarship holders of "II Cantera de Talentos para la Minería" to have free access to proEXPLO 2023

Thirty geology students who are part of the second edition of the Mining Talent Pool scholarship program (II Cantera de Talentos para la Minería) will have free access to the 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers (proEXPLO 2023) to be held from May 8 to 10 at the Lima Convention Center.
This benefit has been considered mainly for Geology scholarship holders, since this international congress brings together specialists in Geology worldwide, as well as representatives from universities, geological services, mining companies, exploration companies and investors in general.
It is worth mentioning that the Talent Pool scholarship recipients belong to 26 universities in the country, so some of the students are not in Lima, but in other regions. However, this will not prevent them from participating in proEXPLO, as they will be given virtual access to the entire conference program of the event.
Scholarship holders who are able to attend proEXPLO in person will have access to the conference program and the Technology Exhibition, with more than 70 stands and 8 Core Shack modules, which will allow them to learn about the geological wealth of 8 Peruvian deposits.
Participating in proEXPLO will be a very valuable experience for those young people who will soon begin their professional careers. It will bring them closer to the reality of the industry at a national and international level, and they will broaden their knowledge with the latest advances in mining exploration that will be presented.
The benefit of providing free access to 30 scholarship holders has been made possible thanks to the coordination of Eng. Enrique Garay, leader of the Geology area, and Eng. Sebastián Benavides, president of proEXPLO 2023.
proEXPLO 2023: Discovering the mining of the future
Ricardo Carrión: Mining prospects currently under evaluation will probably pay off in 15 to 20 years time
- April 24, 2023
Ricardo Carrión: Mining prospects currently under evaluation will probably pay off in 15 to 20 years' time

Ricardo Carrión, Capital Markets Manager of Kallpa SAB and member of the organizing committee of proEXPLO 2023, an event organized by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers, lists the actions that our country should implement to trigger investments in the search for new deposits, the countries with which we compete to dazzle junior mining companies and some of the exploration projects that have a better future.
What are junior mining companies and why are they so important?
These are companies dedicated to exploration activities and are important because they carry out specialized work for the search and prospecting of deposits that may be put into production in the future, whether they are small, medium or large. In addition, they assume great risks for the discovery of mineral deposits that could be economically exploitable or not, so this work must be led by professionals with vast experience to maximize the chance of success of the exploration project and minimize the threat of not finding anything.
How interested are junior mining companies in Peru?
The interest is marked by three pillars. The first is the geological potential, where we stand out for our great mineralogical diversity, which has led to large megaprojects today and it is very likely that we have the capacity to continue finding even larger mines. The second is macroeconomic stability, which we have enjoyed for the past 30 years. And the third pillar is the social-political ecosystem, in which we have had ups and downs for the last two years, which has partially paused exploration.
Exploration activity is correlated with the investment world, so we can say that if investors see that a country has geological potential and macroeconomic stability, but does not have the will to do things right politically and socially, the exploration investment process stops. So, there is currently interest in the first and second pillars, but also concern about the third.
How many such companies explore or list in the country?
We must understand that exploration activities can be carried out by companies focused on developing new projects, as well as by large companies in need of expanding operations or replenishing reserves. Between these two groups there are an estimated 300 to 400 exploration projects in Peru, according to official statistics.
The mining companies that lead most of these ventures in our country are listed on the stock exchanges of Australia, Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom. And of this universe, around 10 mining companies also maintain a listing on the Lima Stock Exchange.
Which exploration projects stand out the most?
We have early and advanced stage exploration projects. In the first group we can highlight Soledad project of Chakana Resources, Elida of Element 29 and Dorita of Silver Mountain Resources, which show good progress and interesting results in copper and silver prospecting. On the other hand, the second group includes the Cotabambas project of Panoro Minerals, Cañariaco of Candente Copper and Ayawilca of Tinka Resources, which are of copper or argentiferous origin. These projects show an estimate of resources and reserves and are more likely to enter the pipeline of future production units of the national mining sector.
What are the biggest challenges for mineral exploration?
Historically, the challenge has been geological, as exploration activities are high risk and this can be mitigated with teams that have sufficient knowledge and experience to take a project forward. Another challenge is the search for investors, since factors such as wars, recessions and others restrict the flow of capital for the continuity of the project. There is also the challenge of the political and social environment, which is specific to each jurisdiction and which translates into problems such as social conflicts or high public bureaucracy, which delay the execution of exploration projects and increase their costs.
How could our country attract junior mining companies?
First, as a country we must offer a political message that vindicates mining as one of the drivers of economic and social growth, and that it should be considered in the development agenda of the different governments we elect. Second, we must reduce red tape in order to stimulate the development of projects in shorter time frames, and everything related to permits and financing. And, third, is to improve interaction with the surrounding communities, which is much more complex, as it involves closing gaps as the project progresses and this is resolved in the long term.
So, if we want to take advantage of good mineral prices to increase tax revenues, build infrastructure and generate social welfare, that is, to achieve sustainable development in the future, it is imperative that we focus on current exploration projects, taking into account that all mining prospects that we begin to evaluate now will probably bear fruit in 15 or 20 years' time.
With which countries do we compete for such companies?
It is difficult to establish a competition, because each country has its pros and cons. For example, Canada and the United States have a mix of geological potential and political and macroeconomic stability, making them quite attractive jurisdictions. For its part, Chile has good conditions with respect to permitting. On the other hand, Peru has a much more interesting geological potential and macroeconomic order, but not complete political or social stability. Therefore, it is more feasible for companies to invest in exploration in the aforementioned countries than in ours.
Therefore, I believe that each of these experiences must be gathered and adapted to our reality in order to be more competitive.
What are your expectations for proEXPLO 2023?
ProEXPLO 2023 has received wide interest from the community of professionals, businessmen and investors, and is being carried out at a particular point in time of high mineral prices, which should be a driving force to promote the discovery of new prospects and the consolidation of exploration projects in the portfolio, for which we are precisely competing with other countries to attract more capital from abroad, and for this purpose our best presentation card as a country is our geological potential and macroeconomic stability.
In this sense, the event will feature the presentation of eight promising mining exploration projects, with which we intend to motivate the arrival of junior mining companies and large mining companies to increase their participation in the Peruvian market.
Corporations, investors and prospectors have shown interest in working together to revive the mining exploration sector in Peru, and if this is accompanied by political will, it will be spectacular. So I think we will probably have one of the best editions of proEXPLO in the last ten years.
proEXPLO 2023: Discovering the mining of the future
proEXPLO 2023: Last available vacancies for the course "Geophysical Methods for Geologists"
- April 20, 2023
proEXPLO 2023: Last available vacancies for the course "Geophysical Methods for Geologists"

The 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers (proEXPLO 2023) presents the course "Geophysical Methods for Geologists", which has its last vacancies available.
This course consists of a theoretical class that will present the various geophysical methods used by geologists in mineral exploration, geotechnical and groundwater studies, with emphasis on the study of the Earth as a whole.
The class structure covers generalities, potential field methods (spontaneous potential, radiometry, gravimetry and magnetometry), electrical and electromagnetic methods (resistivity and induced polarization), and seismic methods (seismic refraction and active and passive source MASW).
The speaker in charge is Jose Arce, who holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Geology and Geophysics from the University of Missouri-Rolla and a Master of Science degree in Engineering Geophysics from the University of Arizona. Active in the sector since 1993, he has carried out more than 1,400 geophysical surveys and consultancies throughout the Americas. He is also a member of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG), where he has headed several committees.
The course will be held on Thursday, May 11 of this year, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the premises of the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers, located at Calle Los Canarios 155, Urb. San César, II Etapa, La Molina.
For registration and more information, please send an email to or contact via WhatsApp to +51 951 294 314 / +51 952 192 021 / +51 955 750 108
About proEXPLO
The International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers (proEXPLO) is one of the main geological-mining events in Latin America and a mandatory meeting for companies and professionals involved in exploration-related activities.
Chaired by Sebastián Benavides and under the slogan "Discovering the mining of the future", the thirteenth edition of proEXPLO will be held from May 8 to 10, 2023 in the city of Lima.
proEXPLO 2023: Discovering the mining of the future
Improve your public reporting skills for your mining project with proEXPLO s strategic training course
- April 20, 2023
Improve your public reporting skills for your mining project with proEXPLO's strategic training course

If your objective is to gain the trust of investors to obtain financing to support the development and exploration of your mining project, this is your opportunity to participate in the course "Considerations for disclosing public reports", organized by proEXPLO 2023.
The workshop will share key disclosure concepts of Canadian National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, including the definition of Qualified Person, disclosure of Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves, preparation of a Technical report and its triggers, and comparison with other international codes.
In addition, best practice guidelines on mineral resources and reserves, reviews of disclosure by regulators and common observations, and components of technical information disclosure to the public domain will be presented.
The seminar is aimed at geoscientists, engineers, officials and managers, contributing to the understanding of the underlying principles and reporting requirements associated with the technical disclosure of mining projects under NI 43-101.
The course will be taught by Deborah McCombe, a senior geologist with 35 years of experience in exploration project management, feasibility studies, resource and reserve estimation, due diligence and valuation studies in various geological environments.
Also joining the team of instructors will be Reno Pressaco, a consulting mineral resource geologist with 36 years of experience in mineral exploration, mine development and production, and one of the discoverers of the Cerro Negro deposit in Argentina.
Rosmery Cardenas, a geological engineer with 20 years of experience in the mining industry, including mine exploration, development and production activities in a wide variety of geological environments in several countries, will also participate.
Rounding out the team will be Craig Waldie, a senior geologist with more than 20 years of experience in the mineral exploration and mining industry, having worked for multinational resource companies and as vice president of exploration for junior mining companies.
For registration, please send an email to or leave a message via WhatsApp to +51 951 294 314 / +51 952 192 021 / +51 955 750 108. ProEXPLO is an event organized by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers to be held from May 8 to 10, 2023.
proEXPLO 2023: Discovering the mining of the future
Reinforce your mining knowledge with "ESG, the competitive package" course for explorers
- April 20, 2023
Reinforce your mining knowledge with "ESG, the competitive package" course for explorers

On the occasion of the 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers - proEXPLO 2023, the course "ESG, the competitive package: Environmental, social and governance tools and practices for explorers" will be held on May 6, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the headquarters of the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers, located in the district of La Molina.
According to the organization, the course will emphasize the analysis and discussion of trends and tools for the incorporation of environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria within mining organizations.
Thus, international standards, application frameworks, ESG risks, operational risk management through case studies and the forms of disclosure and reporting of sustainability issues required by mining investors will be addressed.
With respect to the target audience, the course is aimed at strategic planning, financial and geological professionals and graduate students interested in leading the transformation of their organizations towards new market trends.
The course will be taught by leading experts, such as Karin Torres, an environmental and natural resources engineer with more than 18 years of experience in environmental and social consulting, and leader of sustainable financing projects and mergers and acquisitions processes.
In addition, Aldo León, an environmental engineer with more than 15 years of experience in the mining industry, will participate in this event, having collaborated in the preparation and management of environmental studies for mining projects in their various stage.
Also, Jenny Vento, a lawyer specialized in social conflict management, corporate social responsibility, arbitration and human rights, will be present. She has successfully worked for Anglo American Quellaveco, CONFIEP and SNMPE.
Ph.D. Catherine Teresa Sahley, ERM Biodiversity Specialist with more than 20 years working in the field of biodiversity as a program consultant, researcher and educator, will also be part of the teaching team.
Finally, Gabriel Pinto, a forestry engineer with more than 20 years of experience in environmental monitoring, who is currently Vice President of Sustainability at Sierra Metals and previously held local and global positions at Barrick Gold, will also participate as an instructor.
For registration, please send an email to or leave a message via WhatsApp to +51 951 294 314 / +51 952 192 021 / +51 955 750 108.
ProEXPLO is an event organized by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers to be held from May 8 to 10, 2023.
proEXPLO 2023: Discovering the mining of the future
Gold Fields: Our commitment to greater participation of women in mining has placed us in the top positions in Latin America
- April 18, 2023
Gold Fields: Our commitment to greater participation of women in mining has placed us in the top positions in Latin America

As part of her participation in the conference entitled Mining of the Future: Diversity makes us more competitive, as part of the Road to proEXPLO 2023 (Rumbo a proEXPLO 2023) webinar, Verónica Valderrama, VP of Human Resources at Gold Fields, stated that the company is committed to promoting diversity and inclusion in the mining sector.
"At Gold Fields, we are committed to a culture of diversity and inclusion, where all our people thrive, contribute their ideas and skills to the success of the business and achieve a meaningful sense of well-being and purpose at work."
According to official data, only 6.8% of women have managed to work in the national industry. Of this total, 12.6% hold administrative positions, 12.1% hold management positions, 5.1% are in the operations area and only 3.3% remain in the plant.
As for Gold Fields, at the end of 2022, women reached a participation of 25.4 %, which shows an evolution compared to the pre-pandemic figures, which showed an involvement of 21.6 %. This has placed the organization in the top positions in Latin America.
Valderrama also highlighted that in 2017, women made up only 13 % of the work team, which shows that, after five years, the number of women engaged in the mining activity has doubled.
Women participation
"In order to continue incorporating them into the industry, we must first learn about the situation of women in the community and their needs, as well as the gender perspective in procedures and policies, including community relations and social development plans," she said.
In addition, she stressed the importance of developing strategies to raise awareness internally and externally about the risks for women to ensure that ongoing decision-making and other activities incorporate a gender perspective, implement projects to strengthen their capacities, empowerment and opportunities for access to resources, and encourage participation in decision-making, in the management of community resources, and in spaces for dialogue and negotiation.
Private initiatives include CETEMIN "Talento Mujer Minera", WAAIME, WIM and Mujeres Roca, and public initiatives such as MINEM: Comité de Igualdad. Project with IDB: "Mujeres Líderes y estudios de brechas" (Women Leaders and Gap Studies Program) and "Mujeres Mágicas" (Magical Women) project.
"There are increasing opportunities for women to participate more actively in roles such as dump truck operation, community relations, environmental management, communications, among others," she added.
Gold Fields Case
At an external level, Gold Fields has been developing mentoring with strategic partners such as WIM Peru and WAAIME, empowerment conferences to encourage more women to study STEM careers, participation in Human Resources, diversity and inclusion committees throughout the country, and the signing of an agreement with the Ministry of Women to extend the benefits of the national plan against violence.
At the internal level, we have established inclusive and diverse policies, inclusive language, flexible schedules and benefits for families, leadership and mentoring programs for women, training in disruptive innovation techniques, unconscious bias workshop and scholarship programs.
Mamá Talento
Gold Fields has been working on the "Mamá talento ¡Pasión que renace!" program, focused on the wives/partners of its workers who are mothers, providing them with the necessary tools to boost their employability.
"This project solves one of the major problems of reintegration into the labor market after becoming a mother, has an impact on the self-esteem of participants and boosts employability, giving them impactful tools to enhance their professional and personal brand, which is aligned with our purpose of leaving a legacy and creating value for the families of our workers," she said.
proEXPLO 2023: Discovering the mining of the future
proEXPLO 2023 s Core Shack to showcase the geological wealth of 8 mining sites
- April 17, 2023
proEXPLO 2023's Core Shack to showcase the geological wealth of 8 mining sites

Peru's mineral wealth will be present at the 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers (proEXPLO 2023) and the public will have the opportunity to learn about it up close through the Core Shack or drill core exhibition, whose modules will be located in the Technology Exhibition of the event.
"The Core Shack is important because it allows companies to exhibit their mineralized samples or cores from the main exploration projects in the country and for participants to learn or expand their knowledge about their own core samples," explains proEXPLO 2023 president Sebastián Benavides.
There will be 8 properly equipped modules in which the companies will exhibit the geological characteristics of their deposits with hand samples, cores, photographs and plans.
The mining exploration projects to be presented on this occasion are: Ayawilca (Tinka Resources), Soledad (Chakana Resources), Paraíso (Inversiones La Chalina), Malvas (Corporación Minera Toma La Mano), Cotabambas (Panoro Minerals), Reliquias (Silver Mountain Resources), Elida (Element 29) and Aurora (DLP Resources).
It is worth mentioning that one of the objectives of proEXPLO is to emphasize that mining exploration must be understood from a comprehensive perspective, since each of its activities is part of a value chain, which allows consolidating the findings of new deposits. It also seeks to raise awareness of Peru's great geological potential, encourage new investments and strengthen links between prospectors, explorers and service providers.
We invite you to proEXPLO 2023, to be held from May 8 to 10, at the Lima Convention Center, to access the Core Shack, the Technology Exhibition and the entire program of specialized conferences.
For registration details, please visit the following link:
About proEXPLO 2023
Due to its interesting conference program and the outstanding speakers, proEXPLO has become one of the main geological-mining events in Latin America and a must-attend meeting for companies and professionals working in the sector.
This year's edition of proEXPLO will have as its slogan "Discovering the mining of the future", and will feature 9 keynote speakers, 4 lectures and 2 round tables, 30 technical papers and a Core Shack area with the participation of 8 mining companies.
proEXPLO 2023: Discovering the mining of the future
Carolina Herrera-Cano: Systematic change is needed to move forward on issues of corporate equity, diversity and inclusion
- April 14, 2023
Carolina Herrera-Cano: Systematic change is needed to move forward on issues of corporate equity, diversity and inclusion

During the Road to proEXPLO 2023 (Rumbo a proEXPLO 2023) webinar, focused on Diversity and Inclusion as a key aspect for the mining industry of the future, the importance of incorporating practices and policies on the subject in companies in the mining sector was discussed, as well as what is needed to do so.
Carolina Herrera-Cano, a consultant at Aequales, a company that advises on gender equity and corporate diversity in Latin America, pointed out that a systematic change is required, for which an orderly approach, investment allocation, definition of clear goals and accountability must be established.
"Change will not come about simply because we wait for women, people with disabilities, etc. to join the company. It requires a plan with constant monitoring, budget allocation, and that Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is understood as one of the vital processes for the sustainability of the company, something that many companies still do not understand," explains Herrera-Cano.
DEI Tools
In this regard, she shared a series of practical tools that can be implemented in mining companies to orient their policies to increase the participation of women and provide them with equal opportunities with respect to men.
"We accompany the process from scratch in our company, we even talk about the importance of women having the same opportunities. And we still often see employees who think that women should not be driving a tractor-trailer, for example, but should be in the kitchen," says the Aequales consultant.
One of the tools that can be applied is to have inclusive practices for career opportunities, which could include a training program for women in areas surrounding the mine to be incorporated into technical work.
Another proposal offered is to have respectful workplaces, for example, by considering sexual harassment policies in the workplace. It is also important to work on masculinities and to support not only women, but also men and make them understand the benefits of gender equity and how they can contribute from their position.
It was also recommended to reconcile work with personal commitments. On this point we can mention as an example that there are companies that have implemented day care centers and nursing rooms.
The speaker pointed out that it is also important to carry out inclusive communication in the workplace, showing women through various means (verbal, visual, audiovisual, etc.) that they have the capacity to take advantage of opportunities on an equal footing.
Finally, she mentioned working with a wide range of suppliers, such as companies led by women or that practice Diversity and Inclusion, and contributing to the development of future talent, especially in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics).
While Herrera-Cano acknowledged that many companies that are successfully implementing this type of initiative tend to be large companies, and adapting this to smaller companies is complicated, she encouraged all organizations to start considering DEI in their operations.
proEXPLO 2023: Discovering the mining of the future
Highly diverse companies generate 1.4 times more revenue and are 21% more likely to be profitable
- April 13, 2023
Highly diverse companies generate 1.4 times more revenue and are 21% more likely to be profitable

At the proEXPLO 2023 seminar "Mining of the future: diversity makes us more competitive. Good practices and tools," Pía Olea, director of Genderlab, acknowledged that there is social pressure for companies to work towards the goal of gender diversity in the workplace. "For this reason, the corporate agenda places special emphasis on the presence of women in leadership positions," she said.
Based on scientific studies, she stated that companies that work diversity, equality and inclusion, generate benefits, such as attracting talent. "2/3 of people who are working consider that having a diverse workforce is an important factor in their evaluation of companies and job offers," she explained.
In addition, she argued that highly diverse companies are 180% better at adapting to change, and generate 1.4 times more revenue than less diverse companies. "A greater feeling of inclusion in employees generates a higher perception of performance (+17%), better decision making (+20%) and greater collaboration (+29%).
Similarly, she argued that companies with better diversity scores have an average innovation revenue 19% higher than companies with lower diversity scores. "Companies with a higher gender diversity index are 21% more likely to have higher profitability."
Women underrepresented in leadership positions
However, Pía Olea warned that women continue to be "severely" underrepresented in leadership positions, and that discrimination and sexual harassment remain widespread practices. "Disruptive technology skills ratio, i.e., cloud computing, data management and artificial intelligence, and engineering, have an underrepresentation of women," she explained.
In contrast, she compared that women are more represented in sales, marketing, people and culture and content production positions. "There is no problem with these jobs, but we should work to also find a space in jobs that involve these disruptive technology skills," she remarked.
Leaders must build staff loyalty with diversity and equality
On the other hand, the Genderlab director equated that 68% of leaders feel that they create empowering environments in which staff can be authentic, raise concerns and innovate without fear of failure; while 36% of staff feel that leaders create empowering environments. "There is a 30% difference between what leaders think they are doing, and what staff actually feel those leaders are doing."
"When leaders talk to their staff about diversity, equality and inclusion, staff feel that this is a pillar within their organization. If the leader does not talk about prevention of workplace harassment, LGTBIQ+ community, values associated with diversity, it is more difficult for the staff to align with this trend," she said.
proEXPLO 2023: Descubriendo la Minería del Futuro
Nexa aims to have a 40% female workforce at its Aripuaná mine in Brazil
- April 13, 2023
Nexa aims to have a 40% female workforce at its Aripuaná mine in Brazil

By 2030, Nexa Resources aims to have 30% represent its total workforce and in leadership positions. But not only that, as they expect this figure to be much higher at their new polymetallic operation Aripuaná, in Brazil, where they estimate to increase this figure to 40%.
This was stated by Nery Monteza, Peru leader of Nexa Resources' Empodera Group, at the seminar "Mining of the future: diversity makes us more competitive. Good practices and tools", in the framework of Road to proEXPLO 2023 (Rumbo a proEXPLO 2023), an event organized by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP).
"Aripuaná is an example for us that it is possible to operate with 30 or 40% of women, that the challenges that lie ahead are possible to overcome when the company and the people want it," she said.
Nery Monteza also pointed out that Aripuaná was born as a mining project that promoted plurality and sustainable development, the basis for the mining of the future. This operation, which will start operations in 2022, currently has 30% of its workforce.
"To reach 30% of women we have had to make a lot of efforts and projects," Monteza said. One of these projects is "Elas" (Feminine "them" in Portuguese), a social initiative in Aripuaná focused on strengthening the performance of the protection network and public policies aimed at women's rights.
"We even had indigenous communities nearby because we are in the Amazon area and we have had to talk a lot about women's rights, we do it in Peru, but in this operation we felt it was very necessary," she said.
Another project is the training program for future mine and plant operating professionals (maintenance and automation and geology and topography). The company hired 66% (142 people) of the people who attended the training program, of which 66% (94) are men and 34% (48) are women.
The Aripuaná underground mine, located some 2,000 km northwest of the capital Brasilia, is expected to reach full plant capacity in the second half of this year. Its average annual production is forecast at 70,000 tons of zinc, 24,000 tons of lead, 4,000 tons of copper, 1.8 million oz. of silver and 14,500 oz. of gold.
Aripuaná consists of three main mineralized zones: Arex, Link and Ambrex. Additional targets include Massaranduba, Boroca and Mocoto to the southeast and Babaçu and Arpa to the northwest.
About Road to proEXPLO
Rumbo a proEXPLO 2023 (Road to proEXPLO 2023) is a series of activities prior to the 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers, organized by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP) from May 8 to 10 at the Lima Convention Center, under the slogan "Discovering the Mining of the Future".
proEXPLO 2023: Descubriendo la Minería del Futuro
Confipetrol promotes LIDER Operation for the care of the environment
- April 13, 2023
Confipetrol promotes LIDER Operation for the care of the environment

It is a challenge for society to achieve sustainable development within the limits imposed by nature. As part of society, it is a conviction for Confipetrol to strengthen the environmental management of its activities by offering a timely response to the needs of stakeholders and to the adaptation and mitigation of climate change, making the preservation and protection of the environment intrinsic values in the Operation and Maintenance service it provides to its partners.
To achieve this, the organization has charted a path towards sustainability through the implementation of the strategy: LIDER Operation "Incident and Damage Free in an Environment of Responsibility and Sustainability", whose pillar number 3 is "Responsible and Sustainable Environment" and deploys environmental management mechanisms (programs) leading to promote in services the efficient use and consumption of water and energy, the reduction and offsetting of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, the prevention of chemical risk and losses of containment of substances, the promotion of a Circular Economy and an ecological relationship with biodiversity.
This strategy is based on the sequential and systematic implementation of four important milestones: 1) Verification, which comprises the quantification and establishment of performance indexes associated with resources and materials of significant use consistent with ISO standards that facilitate their establishment; 2) Adaptation (resilience), from the continuous improvement and redesign of processes and practices by including operational and efficiency criteria in procedures, as well as the identification and prioritization of opportunities for technological improvement and inputs; 3) Reduction, through the integration of efficient and clean technologies in processes; 4) Offsetting, through projects with non-conventional renewable energies and reforestation (when necessary); and finally, 5) Neutrality, which is specifically focused on achieving carbon neutrality by 2030.
proEXPLO 2023: Descubriendo la Minería del Futuro
Silvia Rosas: proEXPLO 2023 to Address Strategic Issues in the Transition to Renewable Energies
- April 12, 2023
Silvia Rosas: proEXPLO 2023 to Address Strategic Issues in the Transition to Renewable Energies

Silvia Rosas Lizárraga, member of the Advisory Committee of the 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers (proEXPLO 2023), who holds a PhD and MSc in Mineralogy from the University of Heidelberg (Germany), and works as main professor and head of the Geological Engineering career at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP), tells us in an interview about the advances that she identifies in geoscientific research in Peru and reflects on the challenges our country faces in order to optimize the training of professionals in the mining sector.
What is your opinion on the progress of geoscientific research in Peru?
In Peru, steps have been taken towards a relevant geoscientific activity of international scope, with productions being published in indexed journals in the English language, which gives global reach to the knowledge generated and, therefore, a scientific discussion leading to its advancement. These efforts include collaboration with relevant partners and institutions around the world, which has achieved both the participation of different schools of knowledge, as well as access to state-of-the-art analytical equipment that does not yet exist in Peru.
These efforts are, however, still insufficient and we are far from realities where scientific research, as described above, is a common task in the university environment.
As a university teacher, how much interest do you see in students in prospecting and exploration?
Naturally, I can give my opinion about the students of the institution where I work, where the graduate profile of the Geological Engineering degree is specifically aimed at exploration geology and mining development. It is a relatively young program, but it already has a certain number of graduates, most of whom work precisely in these areas, which demonstrates a priority interest in them.
What is needed for the new generations of Peruvian geologists to graduate at a good level and be at the forefront of this industry?
A training that includes research work such as those described above, thanks to which the active teaching staff is combined in the acquisition of knowledge with the active teaching staff in professional practice. This synergy provides the best training conditions for future industry professionals and an important factor is the participation of students in scientific research projects from the undergraduate level.
These conditions can be achieved as soon as our universities understand that the teaching staff must be composed of professors with advanced academic training, with graduate degrees obtained in relevant universities that guarantee it. Teachers with these characteristics will be able to make efficient and scientifically productive use of the funds from the mining industry, which benefit the national universities.
In recent years more professionals and technicians from the mining sector are migrating abroad to work. How to retain this talent?
Today, the labor market extends beyond the country's borders. Competitive professionals will have global opportunities. If these are not offered in the country, there is little that can be done to prevent emigration.
What would you say is the cause of the decrease in mining exploration in Peru?
There is a wide range of causes that have been widely mentioned and discussed by different relevant industry players. Four in particular can be highlighted: political uncertainty; the lack of long-term plans from the central, regional and local governments; bureaucratic barriers, which reduce our competitiveness in relation to other mining countries; and the increase in corruption in the country.
What are your expectations for proEXPLO 2023?
In addition to being a showcase for the country's great geological wealth and the many opportunities to enhance the country's mining potential, which allow for the sustainability of its economic growth, the event will address various strategic issues within the framework of the transition to renewable energies.
proEXPLO 2023 will have specific activities among which I would like to highlight the panel on higher education in geology, which will feature international participants with long experience in the field. I hope this allows our academic environment to reflect on the type of training we should provide to our future geology professionals, in order to make them locally and globally competitive.
proEXPLO 2023: Descubriendo la Minería del Futuro
proEXPLO to Hold Virtual Seminar on Mining of the Future and Diversity to Become More Competitive on April 12
- April 10, 2023
proEXPLO to Hold Virtual Seminar on Mining of the Future and Diversity to Become More Competitive on April 12

As part of the activities towards proEXPLO 2023, the seminar "Mining of the Future: Diversity Makes Us More Competitive" will be held on April 12. "Good practices and tools", which will have simultaneous interpreting into English and is free of charge.
In the first block, the Peruvian leader of Nexa Resources' Empodera Group, Nery Monteza, will participate with the topic: Aripuanã experience and initiatives for inclusion and gender equity, and the vice-president of Human Resources for the Americas of Gold Fields, Verónica Valderrama, who will present the good practices of this outstanding gold producing company in terms of diversity and inclusion.
The second block will feature presentations by Aequales consultant Carolina Herrera-Cano, who will speak about the tools and practices that we can implement, and GenderLab consultant Ana Paula Hurtado, who will give a presentation on Peru and diversity: where we are, progress and perspectives. Facilitating conditions, common obstacles.
This seminar, which will allow participants to learn about successful inclusion experiences that benefit the competitive development of the mining industry, will begin at 7:00 p.m. and will be transmitted through the Zoom platform, for which you can register at the following link:
Rumbo a proEXPLO 2023 (Road to proEXPLO 2023) is a series of activities prior to the 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers, organized by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP) from May 8 to 10 at the Lima Convention Center, under the slogan "Discovering the Mining of the Future".
proEXPLO 2023: Descubriendo la Minería del Futuro
ProEXPLO 2023 to Share Progress on Eight High Potential Mining Exploration Projects in Peru
- April 4, 2023
ProEXPLO 2023 to Share Progress on Eight High Potential Mining Exploration Projects in Peru

The International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers - proEXPLO 2023, an event organized by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers, will present new advances of eight mining projects in the exploration stage and with broad geological potential in our country.
These are the Ayawilca (Tinka Resources), Soledad (Chakana Resources), Paraíso
"Cotabambas and Ayawilca are the most advanced projects. The first is in the pre-feasibility stage and estimates an investment of around US$ 1.4 billion; and the second is in the conceptual stage with an investment of US$ 264 million", highlighted Álvaro Fernández-Baca.
In terms of greenfield projects in early development, the Soledad and Elida projects stand out, both located in the department of Ancash, where the mineral explored is mainly copper, with a combined investment of approximately US$ 50 million.
"The aforementioned projects will be exhibited within the technical program of the event and their mineralized samples will be displayed in the Core Shack, a space to show not only photos and diagrams, but also the core specimens themselves," highlighted Ricardo Carrión.
It should be noted that proEXPLO 2023 will aim to share the latest advances in mineral exploration projects, encourage new investments in geological wealth, and strengthen links between prospectors, explorers and service providers.
The international meeting will be held in person from May 8 to 10 at the Lima Convention Center, located in the district of San Borja, offering the possibility of following the conferences, lectures and round tables in virtual mode.
After PERUMIN, proEXPLO is the most important mining event in Peru and the largest in the field of mining exploration and geology in Latin America, attracting the participation of 28 countries and 4,000 people in its previous edition in 2021.
About proEXPLO 2023
Due to its interesting conference program and the outstanding speakers, proEXPLO has become one of the main geological-mining events in Latin America and a must-attend meeting for companies and professionals working in the sector.
This year's edition of proEXPLO will have as its slogan "Discovering the mining of the future", and will feature 9 keynote speakers, 4 lectures and 2 round tables, 30 technical papers and a Core Shack area with the participation of 8 mining companies.
proEXPLO 2023: Descubriendo la Minería del Futuro
Enrique Garay, Member of proEXPLO 2023: In Peru, 47% of Mining Exploration Initiatives are Copper-Related
- March 29, 2023
Enrique Garay, Member of proEXPLO 2023: In Peru, 47% of Mining Exploration Initiatives are Copper-Related

Enrique Garay, advisory member of the 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers, proEXPLO 2023, said that new copper exploration initiatives represent 47.6% of the Ministry of Energy and Mines' portfolio of mining exploration projects.
When consulted by La Noticia Perú, he remarked that Peru must take advantage of its position as the world's second largest copper producer to promote the discovery of deposits that meet the demand for this mineral, which is critical for the transition to a clean and reliable energy matrix.
Under this scenario, he considered it appropriate to encourage the discovery of silver deposits, since between 2 to 3 ounces of the metal is used for the manufacture of batteries, and its consumption will be much higher compared to what was required by the photographic industry at the beginning of the last century.
Likewise, he stated that the electrified automotive fleet is the main lithium, cobalt and nickel requirer, so it is urgent to continue the research studies of potential mining areas in our country, where there are currently preliminary advances.
"We have a significant lithium anomaly in the south, which must be understood, developed and tested with the technological solution for optimal recovery. In addition, there are probably cobalt and nickel occurrences in the eastern cordillera, but more research is needed," he stated.
Environmental permit takes up to 24 months
On the other hand, Enrique Garay commented that the incorporation of new provisions to the national regulatory scheme has been a challenge for the continuation of investments in exploration activities, especially impacting junior mining companies with limited capital and time.
"To execute a reconnaissance drilling program in Peru, it is necessary to have the Environmental Impact Statement, whose approval takes between 18 to 24 months. A similar document is certified in three months in Chile and in two weeks in the U. S.," he compared.
However, he emphasized that mining companies work under strict parameters of environmental protection and respect for the communities, prioritizing adequate communication to obtain authorization, sign economic commitments and generate sustainable development.
Opportunity to share findings and networking
Finally, the advisory member highlighted that proEXPLO 2023 will share the latest advances in mineral exploration projects, encourage new investments in geological potential, and strengthen links between prospectors, explorers and service providers.
He also reminded that the event, organized by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers, will be held under a hybrid modality, i.e., virtual and on-site, from May 8 to 10 at the Lima Convention Center, located in the district of San Borja.
"In its previous edition in 2021, proEXPLO was held only virtually, with the participation of 28 countries and 4,000 people. After PERUMIN, it is the most important mining event in Peru and the largest of its kind in Latin America," said Enrique Garay.
proEXPLO 2023: Descubriendo la Minería del Futuro
proEXPLO 2023: Last Spots Available for the Field Trip to Antamina and Hilarion Project
- Lima, March 28, 2023
proEXPLO 2023: Last Spots Available for the Field Trip to Antamina and Hilarion Project

As part of the 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers (proEXPLO 2023), from May 11 to 14, a field trip will be made to two important deposits in Peru to showcase the mineral wealth of our territory.
The field trip will be conducted by expert instructors David Cooke and Lisard Torró and will be aimed at getting to know Hilarion project and Antamina's facilities in the Ancash region. A digital certificate will be provided to participants, as informed by the organizers.
Antamina is a world-class polymetallic mining complex, producing copper, zinc, molybdenum concentrates, and -as by-products- silver and lead concentrates. It is currently one of Peru's leading producers of copper and zinc concentrates and one of the ten largest mines in the world in terms of production volume. It is located in the district of San Marcos, province of Huari, at an average altitude of 4,300 masl and 200 km from the city of Huaraz.
Hilarion is a greenfield exploration project located in the district of Huallanca, province of Bolognesi, and is owned by Nexa Resources Peru. The main minerals in this project are copper, zinc and lead.
To register, you must be over 18 and under 60 years of age, have current Supplemental Risk Work Insurance, as well as "Anexo 16", and have your 3 doses of COVID-19 vaccines.
The total number of participants will be 13 people and there are currently 3 spots available.
For more details, please visit:
You can also request information by e-mail to and via WhatsApp to the following telephone numbers: (51) 952 192 021; (51) 955 750 108; and (51) 951 294 314.
About proEXPLO
proEXPLO is organized by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP) and will be held from May 8 to 10 in the city of Lima, with the participation of prominent national and international speakers.
proEXPLO 2023: Descubriendo la Minería del Futuro
Learn about the Press Accreditation Process for proEXPLO 2023
- Lima, March 23, 2023
Learn about the Press Accreditation Process for proEXPLO 2023

The Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP) has launched the national and international press accreditation process for the coverage of the 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers - proEXPLO 2023, to be held from May 8 to 10 in the city of Lima.
Press accreditation applications must be submitted from Wednesday, March 15 through Friday, April 28, 2023. The steps to follow are listed below:
First, download and review the Media Accreditation Process and Regulations, which can be found at this link:
Second, complete the Press Accreditation Form, which can be accessed at the following link: .
And finally, wait for your data to be validated in order to get registered as accredited press, which will be notified by e-mail to the contact person provided in the registration form.
Please note that all journalists who apply for accreditation must submit truthful information to validate its authenticity and validity, such as a press card issued by the media outlet, a letter on official letterhead of the media outlet, the name of the media outlet, RUC taxpayer information (Ficha RUC) of the media outlet, and evidence of recent and continuous publications of the media outlet.
Accreditation will only be granted to journalists who submit the required documentation and validate that they work for and/or represent a registered media.
The IIMP may request additional documented evidence to clearly establish the conditions of the applicants and validate their authenticity. In addition, it reserves the right to deny or cancel accreditation to journalists who do not present truthful information and whose activities are contrary to the purpose of proEXPLO 2023.
proEXPLO 2023: Descubriendo la Minería del Futuro
Lluís Fontboté: Peru's Central Highlands are Home to 'Cordilleran' Deposits
- Lima, March 14, 2023
Lluís Fontboté: Peru's Central Highlands are Home to 'Cordilleran' Deposits

During his participation in the "Rumbo a proEXPLO 2023" (Road to proEXPLO 2023) conference program, the renowned Spanish geologist and researcher Lluís Fontboté shared his knowledge on the so-called cordilleran polymetallic deposits.
"These deposits are found in central Peru where mines such as Quiruvilca, San Cristobal, Casapalca, Julcani, Morococha and others have produced rich ores for decades," he said, referring to the book Guilbert and Park published in 1986.
Fontboté explained that there are two large families of polymetallic deposits within the porphyry system. These include a skarn deposit, and other deposits that do not contain skarn or have very small skarn occurrences.
"These deposits that have little or no skarn have the same setting as porphyry deposits, the difference is that in general they are much richer in sulfides, and even have parts of massive sulfides, which contrast with the porphyry itself, which is more disseminated," he said.
Fontboté indicated that these deposits are called by different names. One of them is CRD (carbonate replacement deposits), other names include intermediate sulfidation deposits and Cordilleran (or Butte-type) polymetallic deposits.
"The problem with the name CRD is that it can be applied when talking about carbonate replacement, but many deposits are not carbonate or major parts are not carbonate like the huge Casapalca vein or portions of Julcani. However, it is the same family," he said. He pointed out that the term " Cordilleran" does not pose this type of problem, which is why this term has an advantage.
Why are they called polymetallic?
Because these deposits generally do not have skarn and are within the porphyry system. It is a name that is much shorter than others. "The first time this term was used formally dates back to 1972, when the relationship between plate tectonics and mineral deposits was first recognized."
Road to proEXPLO 2023
Road to proEXPLO is the webinar program that precedes the International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers (proEXPLO), one of the leading geological-mining events in Latin America and a must-attend meeting for companies and professionals working in exploration.
proEXPLO is organized by the IIMP and will be held in person from May 8 to 10, 2023, in the city of Lima, under the title "Discovering the mining of the future".
proEXPLO 2023: Descubriendo la Minería del Futuro
Zhaoshan Chang: More than 1,600 Skarn Deposits, Mostly Composed of Tungsten and Tin, Exist around the World
- 09 de marzo del 2023
Zhaoshan Chang: More than 1,600 Skarn Deposits, Mostly Composed of Tungsten and Tin, Exist around the World

Zhaoshan Chang, professor of economic geology at the Colorado School of Mines, revealed during his presentation at the Road to proEXPLO 2023 seminar that they are largely composed of tungsten and tin. They also contain minerals such as gold, copper, zinc, lead, molybdenum and iron, as in the case of Antamina.
Metals such as silver, bromine, beryllium, bismuth, cobalt, fluorine, rare earths and uranium are found in smaller quantities.
The mineralization of these skarns is divided into two parts: porphyry deposits and greisen deposits. According to carbonate replacement deposits (CRD), these can be of the Carlin type (disseminated gold deposits hosted in sediments) and/or epithermal.
The specialist stated that the genesis of metamorphic skarn deposits is derived from calcium silicate hornfels and reaction skarns; industrial minerals such as wollastonite. Metamorphic hydrothermal skarns are made of tungsten and magmatic hydrothermal skarns generally have a large magma source and limestone wall linings.
"This is not limited to the contact zone. Depending on its proximity, it surrounds the causative intrusion. Depending on its distance, it is controlled by faults, has a considerable perimeter between different types of rocks, including pre-existing intrusive rocks - carbonate limit," he said.
Skarn-type deposits are developed in five phases:
- Metamorphic phase: calcium-silicate hornfels, reaction skarn and marble.
- Prograde phase: Garnet, pyroxene, wollastonite, plagioclase, scapolite. Rich in iron. Zoned. The intrusion may have sodium.
- Retrograde phase A: Epidote, amphibole, scapolite, vesuvianite, ilvaite, quartz; hematite, magnetite, mushketovite, wolframite and scheelite.
- Retrograde phase B: Chlorite, quartz, carbonate, biotite, Ksp, fluorite, sulfides, sulfosalts, gold and cassiterite.
- Retrograde phase C: Calcite veins (without metals).
Some of the factors that affect the formation of skarns include:
- Redox state gradient between magma and wall rock.
- Causal magma: volatiles, degree of fractionation and redox state.
- Wall rock: Composition, redox state and permeability.
- Depth of formation.
- Distance from magma.
Finally, Chang indicated that no single metal zoning pattern can fit all skarns, considering that many examples of continuous transition from distal to proximal skarn alteration and mineralization prove distal systems are part of a skarn (up to 4.5 km; Chitudian zinc-lead skarn). "Large deposits have all parts uncovered," he concluded.
proEXPLO 2023: Descubriendo la Minería del Futuro
Sebastián Benavides at PDAC: Peru's GDP Growth Outpaced World GDP since the 90's Thanks to its Mining Industry
- March 6, 2023
Sebastián Benavides at PDAC: Peru's GDP Growth Outpaced World GDP since the 90's Thanks to its Mining Industry

Sebastián Benavides, president of proEXPLO 2023 and Discovery Manager for Peru-Ecuador at Anglo American, participated in Peru Day at PDAC 2023, a renowned international congress organized by the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada, in Toronto.
During his presentation, the expert highlighted the main reasons to continue investing in mining in Peru. One of them: the enormous geological potential of the country. "Peru is considered one of the countries with the largest and most diversified mineral resources in the world. And geology is apolitical," said the president of proEXPLO, distinguishing the geological potential of any political issue.
He also considered important the resilient economy that has not given up in the face of the various adversities it has faced in recent years. "Peru's GDP growth (an average of 4.6% per year) over the last 30 years (driven largely by mining) has far outpaced global GDP growth (3%) over the same period," he said.
He also highlighted the global context of energy transition and the growing demand for raw materials, for which Peru represents an important source of natural resources. "Global demand for metals doubles every 20-30 years. In the next 26 years, the world will extract more copper than in all of history," he explained.
Finally, he emphasized that Peru is a mining country, therefore, it has the know-how, an extensive trajectory, professionals and technicians in the field, and a favorable legal framework.
He also announced Peru's Mining Exploration Portfolio through 2022, which includes 63 projects, of which 49 are greenfield with a combined investment of US$ 523 million and a share of 89.3% of the global investment in the portfolio; and 14 are brownfield with an investment of US$ 63 million, representing 10.7%.
Among the most important greenfield projects, he mentioned La Zanja (US$ 114 million) in Cajamarca and Las Defensas (US$ 69 million) in La Libertad. The most important brownfield projects are Caylloma (US$21 million) and Quenamari (US$6 million), located in Arequipa and Puno, respectively.
This is evidence that the country continues to promote mining development, with 7 projects in the north, 32 projects in the center, 1 project in the east and 23 projects in the south.
proEXPLO 2023
Benavides also invited participants to attend proEXPLO 2023, the 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers, organized by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers.
"proEXPLO 2023, under the slogan 'Discovering the mining of the future', reaffirms its commitment to strengthen the links between academia, industry and investors, with the purpose of continuing to develop a successful, innovative and environmentally friendly mining exploration that generates opportunities and benefits for society and surrounding populations," said proEXPLO 2023 president.
This congress will be held from May 8 to 10 in the city of Lima, where national and international representatives from mining companies, geological services, universities and other institutions will gather to learn about the latest advances in the sector to improve the exploration activities, as well as productivity and relations with the social and environmental surroundings.
proEXPLO 2023: Descubriendo la Minería del Futuro
proEXPLO 2023: A New Edition of the Most Important Mining Congress in the Region is Coming
- Lima, March 3, 2023
proEXPLO 2023: A New Edition of the Most Important Mining Congress in the Region is Coming

Discovering the mining of the future! Under this slogan returns the International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers - proEXPLO 2023, an event organized by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP) to be held from May 8 to 10, which will bring together the main actors of Peruvian and international geology, in a space where they can exchange experiences and strengthen knowledge related to prospecting, exploration, investment and sustainable development of mining projects.
Since 1999, proEXPLO has brought together distinguished speakers and senior executives and officials from important companies and institutions in the country and abroad, with the aim of emphasizing that mining exploration must be understood from a comprehensive perspective, since each of its activities is part of a value chain that allows the consolidation of the findings of new deposits.
The 13th edition of proEXPLO will be held in a hybrid manner, with an on-site event at the Lima Convention Center, and a virtual membership that will allow interested parties to connect to live transmissions of the different activities. The event will feature presentations, keynote speeches, round tables, core shack and a technology-trade exhibition, aimed at professionals in the mining exploration sector, researchers, consultants, mining and service companies.
Considered one of the main geological-mining meetings in Latin America, proEXPLO is a must-attend gathering for companies and industry professionals, and is sponsored by Anglo American, Antamina, BHP, Volcan, Rio Tinto, Teck Peru, Explomin del Peru, Minera Antares Peru, Southern Peru Copper Corporation, Hudbay, Compañía Minera Poderosa, SRL Consulting LTD, and Tinka Resources S.A.C.
For more information, please visit
proEXPLO 2023: Descubriendo la Minería del Futuro
proEXPLO 2023: CRD-type ore deposits have up to 400 million tons of high grades of silver, zinc and lead
- March 3, 2023
proEXPLO 2023: CRD-type ore deposits have up to 400 million tons of high grades of silver, zinc and lead

Carbonate replacement deposits (CRDs) are characterized by polymetallic richness, continuous mineralization, polyphase systems, large-scale zonation, temperatures greater than 250°C and for being intrusion-related, according to insights shared by consultant exploration geologist Peter Megaw.
During his talk at the Road to proEXPLO 2023 webinar, he stated that CRD deposits are sought after primarily because they contain between 10 to 400 million tons of resources, maximum grades of silver (50 oz/t), zinc (25%), lead (25%) and copper (5%), low mining cost, metallurgical docility and minimal environmental footprint.
"In this regard, the Santa Eulalia district, in Chihuahua-Mexico, is a case of a CRD deposit, whose activities were maintained for more than 300 years until the pandemic, with an extracted volume of 51.5 million tons, and with advantageous average grades of silver (10 oz/t), lead (8.2%), zinc (7.1%), copper (0.3%) and tin (1.5%)," he exemplified.
However, he acknowledged that the exploration of this type of deposits has historically been poor, due to limited understanding of regional controls, underestimation of the continuous spectrum between skarn porphyries and CRD, mantles considered erratic, difficulty in distinguishing outcrops of large and small systems, etc.
"With new advances in deposit exploration, we now have better understanding of regional controls, confirmation of spectra between skarn and CRD, large-scale traceable alteration halos, geochemical and isotopic halos, large-scale coherent zonation, and outcrops of large distinguishable systems," the expert compared.
Replacement Process
According to the president of Imdex, the replacement process occurs by almost simultaneous dissolution of carbonate and deposition of sulfides. This mechanism causes volume reduction with collapse, which enhances permeability, and suggests that fluids must migrate through previously formed ore to the deposit growth sites.
"Replacement is a multi-stage repeating process, some stages are stronger than others and some reactions exclude others. As for the overlapping of stages and products, there is a highly complex overprinting of multiple simple zonings with differences derived from previous stage products," the expert said.
A strategic location
In addition, Peter Megaw noted that the most relevant CRD deposits are predominantly located in areas of folding and tectonic plate contacts, such as the eastern Pacific basin belt, the western Pacific basin belt, the Eurasian Tezian belt and the eastern Asian-Arctic belt.
"Large carbonate replacement systems are the product of multi-stage magmatic-hydrothermal events, structural controls are paramount, the overprinting process is complex because of alteration and mineralization, and textural complexity is an indicator of the magnitude and favorability of the deposit," he considered.
proEXPLO 2023: Descubriendo la Minería del Futuro
Pasco: Nexa's "Integración" Project Could Extend Drilling Activities to Define Mineral Resources by 2025
- Lima, March 2, 2023
Pasco: Nexa's "Integración" Project Could Extend Drilling Activities to Define Mineral Resources by 2025

During his participation in Road to proEXPLO (Rumbo a proEXPLO) seminar, Mervin Tapia, Brownfield Exploration Manager at Nexa Resources, presented the details of the "Integración" project developed in the Pasco Complex, formed by the Atacocha and El Porvenir mines.
This important project is in an early exploration stage, which has been underway for 3 years and is estimated to have an initial potential of over 10 million tons of mineral resources.
For this year, Nexa is considering the execution of a 6,000 meter drilling program at the El Porvenir unit. The "Integración" project is expected to expand the exploration program to resource-level drilling by 2025, which will first require the construction of adequate infrastructure, mainly tunnels.
Skarn deposits
In this Road to proEXPLO 2023 seminar, the Skarn, CRD and Cordilleran deposits in Peru were analyzed, being the Atacocha and El Porvenir units, which are 87 and 73 years old, respectively, and managed by Nexa, clear examples of Skarn deposits.
Skarn-type deposits refer to a metamorphosed rock or zone characterized by containing minerals in a carbonate rock.
"Both mines are still in production today. This reflects the quality of the assets performed on several types of mineralization formed in the context of Oligocene porphyries intruded mainly in the Late Triassic carbonate rocks of the Chambará formation, part of the Pucará Group," said Tapia.
Focused on increasing the useful life of these two mines, especially Atacocha, Nexa is developing the "Integración" project, one of the largest exploration and identification projects in the Pasco Complex. This is a mineralized breccia body of hydromagmatic origin with garnet clasts and other materials that point to a deepening skarn.
"Despite 86 years of industrial-scale mining, the Pasco Complex continues to reveal new styles of mineralization, new exploration targets and, ultimately, new resources and reserves," said Tapia.
He concluded that all this reinforces the fertility of polymetallic mineralization in central Peru, where Oligocene and Miocene porphyry intrusions meet the extensive Peruvian carbonate platform formed between the Late Triassic and Lower Cretaceous.
Road to proEXPLO 2023
Road to proEXPLO is the webinar program that precedes the International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers (proEXPLO), one of the leading geological-mining events in Latin America and a must-attend meeting for companies and professionals working in exploration.
proEXPLO is organized by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers and will be held in person from May 8 to 10, 2023, in the city of Lima, under the title "Discovering the mining of the future".
Register for proEXPLO by clicking on the following link:
proEXPLO 2023: Descubriendo la Minería del Futuro
Students Associated with the IIMP to Have Free Virtual Access to proEXPLO 2023
- March 2, 2023
Students Associated with the IIMP to Have Free Virtual Access to proEXPLO 2023

The 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers - proEXPLO 2023, in order to promote greater participation of students in the field of prospecting and mining exploration, will provide free virtual access to those who are associated with the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP).
"Student participation is such an important aspect for us that it has even been defined as one of the three fundamental pillars of the 2023 edition: geoscience education/students," says Lizard Torró, head of Technical Talks proEXPLO 2023.
It is worth mentioning that the three fundamental pillars of the congress are: Peru's geological potential in the world, investment plans in exploration projects, and the contribution of geological knowledge and new technologies; within which various cross-cutting issues will be addressed, such as the relationship between industry and academia and how we contribute to the preparation of future Peruvian geoscientists.
Students interested in accessing the event online and free of charge should send an e-mail to:, where they will receive information on how to become a member of the IIMP and instructions on how to register for the event.
In this way, associated students will be able to access the entire event and obtain a digital certificate.
It should also be noted that all participants registered for proEXPLO 2023 will have access to the real-time virtual broadcast of the event and post-conference recordings.
1st International Competition for Students
On the other hand, in line with encouraging greater participation of students, this edition has launched the 1st International Competition for Students.
"We want to identify relevant work on mineral deposits that has been developed by students and reward them accordingly. We wanted it to be an international competition, since geology knows no borders," said Lizard Torró.
He also told us that of the total of 80 technical papers submitted for exhibition at proEXPLO, approximately a quarter were aimed at the student competition. Although many did not qualify because they failed to meet the submission formats (such as basic writing), Torró believes it is an important topic to address at the geoscience education roundtable and there are sure to be improvements for the next opportunity.
To learn more about proEXPLO 2023, visit their website:
proEXPLO 2023: Descubriendo la Minería del Futuro
Road to proEXPLO: Skarn, CRD and Cordilleran Deposits Seminar to be Held in Peru this March 1
- Lima, February 27, 2023
Road to proEXPLO: Skarn, CRD and Cordilleran Deposits Seminar to be Held in Peru this March 1

The activities of proEXPLO 2023 continue, as the 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers (proEXPLO) draws ever closer. This Wednesday, March 1, the webinar on Skarn, CRD and Cordilleran deposits in Peru will be held.
The Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP) has convened outstanding national and international speakers with extensive experience in the sector for this event. Which includes:
- Zhaoshan Chang, Professor of Economic Geology at the Colorado School of Mines, who will present on skarn deposits.
- Peter Megaw, consulting exploration geologist, president of IMDEX /Cascabel and co-founder of MAG Silver and Minaurum Gold, who will present on CRD deposits.
- Lluis Fontboté, Professor of Mineral Deposits at the University of Geneva, who will share his knowledge of "Cordilleran" deposits.
- And Marvin Tapia, manager of Brownfield Explorations at Nexa, who will present on the Pasco Complex and its variety of mineralization styles.
This seminar will be held from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 1, through the Zoom platform. It should be noted that it is aimed at industry professionals both at national and international level, so the presentations will be given in both Spanish and English.
Register by clicking on the following link to participate:
Road to proEXPLO 2023
Road to proEXPLO is the webinar program that precedes the International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers (proEXPLO), one of the leading geological-mining events in Latin America and a must-attend meeting for companies and professionals working in exploration.
proEXPLO is organized by the IIMP and will be held in person from May 8 to 10, 2023, in the city of Lima, under the title "Discovering the mining of the future".
proEXPLO 2023: Descubriendo la Minería del Futuro
Rodrigo Darquea: “BHP has been developing exploration programs in 6 mining districts in Peru”
- February 14, 2023
Rodrigo Darquea: “BHP has been developing exploration programs in 6 mining districts in Peru”

In an interview for the International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers (proEXPLO 2023), Rodrigo Darquea, Director of Exploration at BHP, shares the Australian company's perspectives on the mineralogical wealth of our country, the new ventures underway and the budget to be disbursed this year to continue the search for copper deposits and other metals critical to climate change and the energy transition.
Why is proEXPLO important for the mining industry?
The first thing I want to say is that as a company we are very happy to participate in proEXPLO. There is no doubt about the importance of proEXPLO for the mining industry: it allows critical issues such as exploration projects to be addressed in technical depth, as well as giving a long-term perspective for Peru to develop its potential as one of the main copper producers in the world.
What are BHP's expectations regarding proEXPLO?
After having been present at PERUMIN last year, where we reaffirmed our commitment to continue growing alongside Peru, the next natural step was to be at proEXPLO. We seek to reaffirm our strategic alliances, discuss new business development and address the generation of Social Value in mining. I am sure that proEXPLO will be a great opportunity to strengthen the alliance between Peru and BHP.
What message will you seek to share with the mining community?
Our priority is to share our experience as one of the largest global natural resources companies, backed by more than 135 years of history. We have unique standards, practices and experiences to share at proEXPLO, especially in a country with the geological potential that Peru has.
How would you summarize the company's participation in the event?
For this edition of proEXPLO, we will participate with presentations on topics as diverse as the use of technology in mining prospecting and our experience in generating Social Value through exploration activities, which is one of our pillars to contribute positively in the areas where we are present.
Why should Peru take advantage of its geological wealth?
Peru has an enormous geological potential and a centuries-old mining history. The country already has a significant production, which places it among the world's leading players. In addition, if the right decisions are made, the country has the possibility of increasing its share of the copper market even further in the coming years.
How does BHP contribute to harnessing mining potential?
As BHP we want to be strategic partners by working together with Peru and its people, and thus contribute to explore and develop all that potential, in a global context where production will need to double over the next 30 years to address climate change, and to support fundamental tasks such as electrification and energy transition.
What mining operations in Peru is BHP involved in?
Although we do not currently have mines operated by us, we are present in Peru through Antamina, with a 33.75% stake. An important fact is that Antamina has submitted a request for a permit to extend its useful life until 2036 in a project valued at US$1.6 billion, precisely to strengthen its presence in Peru.
What mining projects are being developed in our country?
With all the experience we have gained in other countries, our goal is to increase our participation in Peru, and that is why we are developing exploration programs in six mining districts. In fact, we have already obtained the initial drilling permit for our Jatum Orcco project, which is a very important step in our exploration work. I would like to reiterate that Peru is a key piece of our Exploration program for South America and we certainly want to continue to grow in Peru.
How much do you plan to invest in exploration activities?
As we announced in the last edition of PERUMIN, between now and June 2023 we are investing US$12 million in exploration programs in the country. This investment is an important step in our growth strategy as BHP and an important sign of the confidence we have in the potential of Peruvian mining.
What technologies do you use to search for deposits?
In this work we are incorporating all the technological advantages that we have developed in the more than 90 locations where we operate worldwide. For example, we are advancing in the use of artificial intelligence to process the data we collect in the field to speed up the process of discovering copper deposits and their characterization. A great example is how we are using blockchain technology at a global level to trace the emissions generated in our value chain so that we can then offset them. Mining in the future will require strong technological development and Peru must be part of that development.
proEXPLO 2023: Descubriendo la Minería del Futuro
proEXPLO: Register until February 28th and Get Preferential Rates
- Lima, February 14, 2023
proEXPLO: Register until February 28th and Get Preferential Rates

The 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers - proEXPLO invites professionals and students interested in mineral exploration to register for this important world-class event at a preferential rate that is valid until February 28th.
proEXPLO 2023 aims to strengthen the links between academia, industry and investors in order to continue developing successful and innovative mining exploration that is environmentally friendly while creating opportunities and benefits for all Peruvians, especially those living in the surrounding areas.
In addition, this event, whose slogan is "Discovering the mining of the future", aims to consolidate Peru as an international host of recent advances in mining exploration in the world.
"We want proEXPLO 2023 to be a place where all mining stakeholders can meet. Therefore, we invite universities, geological services, mining companies, exploration companies and investors in general to participate in the different sessions scheduled, as well as in our traditional technological and trade exhibition", says Sebastián Benavides, president of the Organizing Committee.
proEXPLO is organized by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP) and will be held from May 8 to 10 in the city of Lima, with the participation of prominent national and international speakers.
Register and participate in the congress by clicking on the following link:
For more information about registrations, please send an email to or contact us via WhatsApp at (51) 951 294 314 / (51) 942 788 347.
proEXPLO 2023: Descubriendo la Minería del Futuro
proEXPLO Received More than 80 Abstracts in Call for Technical Papers
- February 6, 2023
proEXPLO Received More than 80 Abstracts in Call for Technical Papers

Lisard Torró, responsible for the Technical Talks proEXPLO2023, in an interview for the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers, tells us about the progress in terms of technical work, courses and registration for proEXPLO 2023, the International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers to be held from May 8 to 10.
What is new in proEXPLO 2023 compared to the previous edition?
In terms of technical work and the geoscience education pillar, of which I am in charge, I would highlight that this year we have launched the 1st SEG-SGA-IIMP INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION FOR STUDENT PRESENTATIONS PROEXPLO 2023. The contest rules and associated prizes can be found at As the name implies, the competition is supported and funded by the Society of Economic Geologists (SEG; and the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits (SGA;, as well as the IIMP. Student talks will be presented during regular sessions, i.e., together with senior presenters, and will be evaluated by a committee of experts.
In addition, a round table discussion on geoscience education in Peru is scheduled. During the same, the strengths and weaknesses of Geological Engineering careers in Peru will be discussed, as well as the directions they should take to better adjust to the international market in terms of geology of mineral deposits. This round table will have the participation of leading figures from the world of economic geology in the fields of academia and industry, such as Lluís Fontboté (University of Geneva), Antonio Arribas (University of Texas at El Paso), Silvia Rosas (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú) and Sebastián Benavides (president of proEXPLO 2023).
The pre- and post-congress courses are more ambitious than ever. In addition, as a novelty, we will include field visits. More information regarding the courses is available on the congress website and will be added soon.
What is the progress in terms of technical papers exhibited at proEXPLO 2023?
The call for technical papers has been a success in terms of participation in the five thematic areas: i. Mineral resources for a sustainable future, ii. Innovation in mineral resource exploration, iii. New discoveries and project advances, iv. Advances in the knowledge of mineral systems, and v. Environment, Society and Governance. We received over 80 abstracts!
Of these, approximately 30 have been accepted. A few are still under review. This slight delay in the review period is the price to pay for having a top-notch panel of national and international reviewers. We have prioritized quality over quantity. The abstracts that have been accepted are excellent contributions to the field of mineral prospecting and exploration in each of the above-mentioned areas.
How many of these papers are part of the 1st International Competition for Students?
Approximately a quarter of the papers received were submitted for the student competition. Unfortunately, many of them did not meet the minimum standards in terms of presentation (both format and basic writing) and content and could not be accepted. We have identified that a fairly recurrent problem is the fact that some students have not been trained in the preparation of technical papers. It is also common that the poor quality of the writing makes it impossible to understand the texts. This is of concern and will surely be one of the points to be discussed at the round table on geoscience education.
How did the initiative to promote student participation come about?
We want to promote student participation in proEXPLO and, in general, in the mining prospecting and exploration environment. It is so important to us that it has even been defined as one of the three key pillars of the 2023 edition: geoscience education/students. In addition, we want to identify relevant works on mineral deposits that have been developed by students and reward them accordingly. We wanted it to be an international competition, since geology knows no borders.
Is it true that students will have free access to the event?
Yes, students associated with the IIMP will have free virtual access. Any questions can be sent to
What is the importance of proEXPLO 2023 and why should all geologists and explorers in the industry participate?
proEXPLO is one of the most important mineral prospecting and exploration events in the world, along with PDAC in Toronto. Of course, it is the most important event in this field in Latin America, which in itself is relevant because our region is one of the main producers of a variety of metals. I would like to emphasize that it is focused on "prospecting and mineral exploration" and therefore its objective and scope are well defined and much more specific than those of other congresses on mineral deposits in general. Therefore, participation in proEXPLO represents an excellent opportunity for all those involved in mineral prospecting and exploration, both in companies and in academia.
How can they register?
Registration is online by accessing the following link:
There are different categories and rates vary according to them. A special rate is offered until February 28, 2023.
proEXPLO 2023: Descubriendo la Minería del Futuro
Minera Volcan to Drill 40,000 Meters with an Investment of nearly US$ 17 Million in 2023
- February 6, 2023
Minera Volcan to Drill 40,000 Meters with an Investment of nearly US$ 17 Million in 2023

In an interview with the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers, organizer of the most important international congress of prospectors and explorers in Latin America, César Farfán Bernales, corporate manager of Volcan Compañía Minera, gives details of the mining company's participation as sponsor of proEXPLO, the brownfield and greenfield development plans, and the expectation for the geological potential of Peru.
1. How important is proEXPLO for the mining sector?
proEXPLO is the most important event for Peruvian mining exploration. As we know, the mining sector is one of the main drivers of the country's development, with mineral exploration being the fundamental basis of this industry.
In addition, proEXPLO allows the participation and interaction between the private and public sectors, creating an important space of understanding for the future development of our mining activities.
2. How does proEXPLO align with Volcan's objectives?
Undoubtedly, one of the greatest contributions of proEXPLO to the mining industry will be innovation. Many of the mining industry's processes have evolved positively in terms of technology, hand in hand with innovation, making mining today more dynamic, safer, cleaner and more responsible for the development of communities. This mining exploration event will showcase new projects, advances and improvements in the mining industry.
In this sense, Volcan has been developing important exploration programs in its operating mines, as well as in brownfield and greenfield projects, being proEXPLO a space to focus on the search for new initiatives that could be of interest to the company.
3. What will be the company's participation in proEXPLO?
As in previous editions, Volcan will actively participate in proEXPLO as a sponsor of the event. We will have Volcan promotional videos in areas arranged by the organizing committee, we will be in the keynote speeches, and our professionals will participate in the event.
We will also be presenting in the core shack room the latest findings in mineralized zones discovered during our explorations, in order to show and exchange ideas with professionals involved in geology and mining to enrich the professional level of the event.
We will show the latest mineral exploration trends being used at Volcan to search for new mineral deposits.
4. What is your opinion on Peru's geological potential?
Peru's geology is an open book. Peru was, is and will be a mining country par excellence. We are a country with a wide variety of mining deposits, with an important range of metals available for production; we are a country that has mining presence practically throughout the whole territory and with an enormous geological potential.
Peru ranks first in world reserves of silver, third in world reserves of copper and zinc, and seventh in world reserves of gold, ahead of countries such as Russia, Canada and Australia, according to the world ranking of metal reserves, published by Gerens in November 2019 and updated in October 2020. However, we still have a long way to go.
5. Why encourage the development of geological potential?
The Peruvian territory has been little explored, despite its great geological-mining potential. Our mining reserves could grow enormously and discover new metals that will sustain the mining of the future, but we must move forward in leaps and bounds.
Likewise, the geological and mining potential is not alien to the country's development; however, I believe that its development still needs to be optimized, focused on environmental care and support for the sustainable growth of rural communities. Although the responsible mining industry is currently doing so, the State has yet to establish clear and transparent rules for this important development.
6. What resources and reserves does Volcan currently have?
Volcan has 101 million tons of mineral resources including measured, indicated and inferred resources, and 23 million tons of reserves, allowing it to ensure many years of mineral extraction, without considering exploration projects, i.e., only those immersed in its operating mines.
Including the exploration projects we have at different stages, Volcan's total resources amount to 447 million tons.
Volcan is one of the main producers of zinc, lead and silver at a national and global level with 79 years of history and we will continue making history for many years to come, in a responsible manner with our social and environmental surroundings.
7. What is Volcan's most outstanding brownfield project?
During 2022, Volcan made a huge effort in brownfield and greenfield exploration.
For brownfield exploration, Volcan focused on the Esperanza body, located in the vicinity of its Animon mine, discovering ore from a large replacement body, which has about 30 million tons of inferred ore with high grades of zinc and copper, and with about 10 million tons of potential still open, located 700 meters below the current Animon operations, which means a promising future for that mine.
8. What new developments are you presenting in greenfield exploration?
For greenfield, Volcan conducted geological mapping activities to highlight the most relevant geological evidence:
- Airborne geophysics with state-of-the-art technology such as VTEM (Versatile Time Domain Electromagnetic) and ZTEM (Z-Axis Tipper Electromagnetic) and using helicopters to cover large areas.
- Terrestrial geophysics using drones with gravimetry, magnetometry and induced polarization (IP) methods.
This has allowed us to define more than a hundred anomalous zones that will be evaluated in the coming years, and we are very motivated and expectant.
9. How much will be invested in exploration this year?
In quantitative terms, in 2022, we have executed more than 49 thousand meters of diamond drilling in explorations with an approximate investment of US$30 million. It should be noted that these figures do not include exploration at our current operating units.
By 2023, we will maintain the Esperanza project, as well as the brownfield explorations at Yauli, while reviewing the greenfield anomalous zones, with a program of 40 thousand meters of diamond drilling with an investment of around US$17 million.
proEXPLO 2023: Descubriendo la Minería del Futuro
Karin Torres: Mining companies that meet ESG criteria pay lower interest rates to finance projects
- January 31, 2023
Karin Torres: Mining companies that meet ESG criteria pay lower interest rates to finance projects

Mining companies that carry out activities in compliance with environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards have the possibility of reducing by two percent the interest rate of the financing granted to cover the costs of their projects, whether exploration, expansion, replacement or other.
This was stated by Karin Torres, international consultant in Corporate Sustainability and ESG Risk Management, during her participation as a panelist in Mining Thursday (Jueves Minero) organized by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP), where opinions and knowledge were exchanged on "The importance of proEXPLO in the current context".
"Based on what I have seen over the past five years, I can say that if a mining company does not adequately manage ESG criteria, this may be a factor for the investor to evaluate in order to discourage moving forward with a financing or buy-sell process. Therefore, we need to pay more attention to these issues," she said.
According to the specialist, investors are exerting strong pressure to ensure that their capital is used not only for profitable purposes, but also to ensure environmental care or minimum impact on the ecosystem, especially at a time when the decarbonization of the planet and adaptation to climate change are being promoted.
"When we talk about environmental, social and governmental principles, we think it refers to the submission of the environmental study and the relationship with communities. But in reality this goes much further. These new aspects are of concern to investors and should be contemplated from the beginning of the mining activity," she argued.
Exploration Projects
For this reason, she argued that a mining project from the early exploration stage should already incorporate ESG standards within the strategic planning, as it will become a competitive advantage that will attract future stakeholders with financial, technical and logistical capabilities who wish to become partners or acquire full ownership.
"If the mining company does not ensure timely monitoring of compliance with environmental, social and governance components from the beginning of exploration activities, it will later be forced to backtrack the development of its project to the conceptual engineering stage to rethink the project design," she warned.
Supply Chain
Finally, Karin Torres encouraged junior and more experienced miners to include ESG criteria throughout the supply chain, so that contractors and suppliers act with greater awareness and take precautions about the impact of their operations on biodiversity and the safety of workers.
"In general, companies usually hire a team of experts to carry out exploration work on their behalf, but if they do not supervise what has been done, they will not be able to know the working conditions, processes and methods for field work, nor the protocols for managing solid waste and effluents generated," she said.
proEXPLO 2023: Descubriendo la Minería del Futuro
BHP's Walter Tejada: "Geological potential is not enough, countries must value their natural resources with clear rules"
- January 31, 2023
BHP's Walter Tejada: "Geological potential is not enough, countries must value their natural resources with clear rules"

"Peru has excellent geological potential, a high-level mining cadastre system, but that is not enough. In order for countries to value their natural resources, they must have clear rules," said Walter Tejada, head of country exploration at BHP.
During his participation as a panelist in the Mining Thursday (Jueves Minero) focused on the importance of proEXPLO 2023 and organized by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers, Tejada highlighted the risks involved in investing in mining exploration, both for small and large companies.
"Exploration capital is venture capital, which should be viewed as a pie shared among several countries. So countries have the appetite to access that capital and there are jurisdictions with better conditions than others," he said.
He also explained that investing in mining exploration is mainly based on business decisions, for which they evaluate technical aspects, social risk, the exploration cycle, among others.
"A key message is that the allocation of capital to a country is a business decision that takes several aspects," he emphasized.
Therefore, he suggested that countries such as Peru provide stability and clear rules so that investors can bet on putting their risk capital in this jurisdiction.
"For the investor, clear rules mean seeing that the project has a clear path to move forward, that is extremely important," he said.
Finally, he indicated that our country has an opportunity for improvement in terms of the exploration cycle, as currently the government permitting process to carry out exploration can take 2, 3 or 4 years.
proEXPLO 2023: Descubriendo la Minería del Futuro
Twani Ortiz: "A company's productivity can improve by 15% if its diversity policies are appropriate"
- January 27, 2023
Twani Ortiz: "A company's productivity can improve by 15% if its diversity policies are appropriate"

Twani Ortiz, Senior in Social Management and Sustainable Development at Element 29, founder and director of Young Mining Professionals, indicated that there are studies that show that "a company's productivity can improve by 15% if its diversity policies are clear, shared and led from the top in a way that it cascades down".
During her participation as a panelist on the first day of Mining Thursday 2023 (Jueves Minero 2023), organized by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers, Ortiz pointed out that 15 years ago, greater importance was being given to the issue of Diversity and Inclusion in the mining industry.
"The challenge is to understand diversity in the broadest sense, as an embrace of all minorities in the environments where we work," she said.
She also explained that she is currently seeing more efforts from the private sector in general, which is trying to catch up with statistics from countries such as Chile in terms of Diversity and Inclusion. For example, including people from the LGTBIQ community, with different abilities, with cultural variety, etc.
"The importance of these issues has to be internalized (...). This is because we must retain the best possible professional talent and we are faced with professionals with a scale of values that is also changing. The sense of belonging is no longer linked only to a salary scale, but to shared values," said Ortiz.
She also made reference to working on this issue not only as a business culture, but also as a policy, for which the State must participate with clear policies on Diversity and Inclusion.
proEXPLO, a space for dialogue
Finally, she emphasized that the 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers - proEXPLO 2023 will be an ideal space to discuss this issue and define proposals for improvement.
"Today, we (women) have greater representation in management positions, but it is also true that as the mining project advances, the female presence decreases (...) proEXPLO seems to me to be one of the best spaces to reduce the generational gap and to bring to the table issues that for some groups may still be uncomfortable," she said.
proEXPLO 2023: Descubriendo la Minería del Futuro
Enrique Garay: Rare Earths Metalogenetic Maps to Develop the Mining of the Future in Peru
- January 27, 2023
Enrique Garay: Rare Earths Metalogenetic Maps to Develop the Mining of the Future in Peru

Enrique Garay, member of the proEXPLO 2023 Advisory Committee, expressed the need for the government and academia to work together in Peru to develop metalogenetic maps showing the location of prospective deposits of rare earth minerals.
"We geologists know the location of copper and gold occurrences because we have had metallogenic maps available since the 1950s. Therefore, we should have similar material focused on the rare earth elements needed for the mining of the future," he proposed.
During his participation in Jueves Minero (Mining Thursday) of the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers, he mentioned that nickel, cobalt, lithium and rare earths are positioned as complementary alternatives of raw materials for the development of electric vehicles and clean energy plants.
"Considering this scenario, Peru probably hosts nickel and cobalt deposits in the eastern Andes, although their discovery could imply environmental and social challenges, since it is a high jungle area," he added.
In this sense, he contextualized that the high demand for these minerals at a global level has motivated the technology manufacturer Tesla to close long-term purchases of lithium, nickel and cobalt with mining companies dedicated to the exploitation of these geological resources.
"China controls the monopoly on rare earth production in the world and has no competitor. Therefore, a scenario of future demand is configured and Peru must take advantage of it; therefore, it is essential to encourage the exploration of new commodities", he stressed.
Copper, the flagship product of energy transition
On the other hand, he commented that copper continues to be the key commodity that will guide the planet towards the goal of carbon neutrality by 2050, mainly due to the replacement of combustion vehicles with electric-powered cars.
"Copper consumption will grow exponentially due to the manufacture of electric vehicles, which require five times the amount of this metal, as well as the decarbonization plans of large mining companies such as BHP, Rio Tinto and Vale," he predicted.
Human evolution through mineral resources
Finally, the senior exploration executive and mining geologist pointed out that the evolution of mankind was the result of the exploitation of subsoil resources, from the Stone Age, through the Bronze and Iron Ages, to the Technological Age.
"There is an ever-increasing number of raw materials required. First there were grain mills, then steam engines, then combustion engines, and now technological solutions, such as mobile phones, iPads, communication networks, etc.," he said.
proEXPLO 2023: Descubriendo la Minería del Futuro
proEXPLO 2023: Peru Must Invest in Mining Explorations Today to Capitalize on the Boom and New Trends of 2040 and 2050
- January 27, 2023
proEXPLO 2023: Peru Must Invest in Mining Explorations Today to Capitalize on the Boom and New Trends of 2040 and 2050

Sebastián Benavides, President of proEXPLO 2023, said that global investment will decrease in the next few years and that Peru must be a competitive country.
Eng. Sebastian Benavides, president of proEXPLO 2023, said that in Peru mining projects can take up to 20 years from discovery to production, while in countries with more competitive and transparent mining legislation, such as Chile or the United States, the average maturity time is 13 years.
During Mining Thursday (Jueves Minero) of the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers, he explained that Peru is the sixth destination of world investment in mining exploration, and is expected to receive US$ 450 million in this activity by the end of 2022, thus achieving an increase of 34%, above the global growth of the exploration budget.
However, he contextualized that 50% of the investment in exploration in our country is destined to projects close to the mine and at an advanced stage, and only a small portion is used to search for new deposits, compared to Canada or Australia, where projects from scratch are preferred due to the lower risk offered by both countries.
In this way, he acknowledged that there has been a drop in the discovery of new mines, mainly copper and gold, since 2010, due to lower investment in greenfield projects, increased bureaucracy for obtaining permits, high drilling costs and technical challenges for the investigation of deep and under-cover deposits.
In addition, he estimated that global copper demand will reach its highest peak in 2035, which is an opportunity for Peru to become the main supplier, and therefore it will be essential to re-drive the discovery of exceptional deposits, rethink and re-evaluate sub-economic deposits and reuse environmental liabilities and mine tailings.
Preparing for the future
He recalled that Peru has a portfolio of mining projects in exploration worth US$ 586 million, with 90% of the total investment in greenfield initiatives, with gold (43.4%) and copper (36.1%) being the minerals with the highest priority, and with the northern (34.5%), southern (32.6%) and central (32.4%) regions as areas of intervention.
"Early exploration investments today will pay off in 20 to 30 years; therefore, we must explore and create a healthy portfolio of good projects that will put Peru as a leading mining supplier in the medium and long term. And for this, we first need to be more competitive to attract the greatest possible investment in exploration," he stressed.
Sebastián commented that the trend towards the construction of a 'green world' poses a future growing demand for metals such as copper and lithium, among others, so we must be smart and prepare ourselves for this excellent scenario, which will serve to promote the country's development.
proEXPLO at the current juncture
Finally, Sebastián Benavides highlighted that proEXPLO 2023, the most important mining exploration congress in Latin America, to be held May 8-10 in Lima, will showcase Peru's geological potential to the world, as well as investment plans in exploration projects and the contribution of geological knowledge and new technologies.
Within the framework of this event organized by the IIMP, an agenda of central activities will be developed, such as Road to proEXPLO (Rumbo a proEXPLO), short courses, round tables, field trips, student competitions and keynote speeches, in addition to promoting discussion on issues related to sustainability, diversity and inclusion, and research and academia.
"proEXPLO 2023 has the slogan "Discovering the mining of the future" and is supported by companies committed to the development of world-class deposits in Peru and other regions, such as Anglo American, Antamina and BHP. There is great optimism for the information and successful experiences that will be shared at this important congress," he remarked.
proEXPLO 2023: Descubriendo la Minería del Futuro
Quellaveco: Technology to Protect the Environment
- January 16, 2023
Quellaveco: Technology to Protect the Environment

As technology has advanced, environmental care has entered a new era in which innovation and scientific knowledge make it possible to protect and even improve certain conditions of vulnerable ecosystems and biodiversity in a timely manner.
This is the guiding principle of the environmental team at Anglo American, which together with Mitsubishi Corporation operates the Quellaveco copper mine in the Moquegua region. This is where a Platform for managing local biodiversity has been implemented.
Based on the Sustainable Mining Plan, one of the lines that drives its Future Smart Mining strategy, Anglo American is reimagining mining to improve people's lives. This is how we are working towards the ambitious objective of generating a Net Positive Impact, i.e., at the end of Quellaveco's useful life, it is expected that the areas of influence of the mine will have the same or better environmental conditions than those existing at the beginning of operation.
Moquegua has several species, such as the queñua, which is used for domestic activities in the Andean areas, and the suri, a protected species that has been endangered by predation. How can we help local flora and fauna, especially sensitive species, to live in a favorable environment? Anglo American's BiDaA-Q project is helping to find the answer.
This initiative is a monitoring and evaluation tool that uses artificial intelligence and collects a large amount of information in real time, through state-of-the-art equipment. With this, it is possible to know what the environmental conditions of a habitat are in order to make appropriate decisions to protect it.
With the active participation of national and regional authorities, representatives of civil society and communities in the areas of influence of Quellaveco, technical spaces for research and conservation of biodiversity in the region are promoted. An example of this is the repository of 179 species of local flora that Quellaveco gave to the herbarium of the National University of Moquegua, which can be used to further scientific research.
In addition, the technology used to monitor the fauna has made it possible to record new information, such as the sounds emitted by the suris for mating, something that will help predict behavior and facilitate their protection.
Achievements such as these have earned the Platform for the efficient management of biodiversity in Moquegua the recognition of the National Mining Society, awarded in the recent edition of the Sustainable Development Award 2022.
proEXPLO 2023: Descubriendo la Minería del Futuro
Volcan inaugurates transmission line to provide electricity to the rural community of Santa Catalina in the province of Huaral, Lima.
- January 16, 2023
Volcan inaugurates transmission line to provide electricity to the rural community of Santa Catalina in the province of Huaral, Lima.

• The project was financed by Volcan Compañía Minera.
• Approximately 250 people will benefit, as well as tourism and other economic activities in the area.
Thanks to the commitment assumed by Volcan Compañía Minera, through its Chungar mining unit, together with the authorities of the Santa Catalina Rural Community, the Shagua - Catalina transmission line was inaugurated, which will supply electricity 24 hours a day to the town's population. To date, the community has had an average of 4 hours of electricity per day from a generator set.
This work consists of laying 9 kilometers of electric cables from the Shagua hydroelectric plant, owned by the mining company, to the community, so that the streets of Santa Catalina will now have permanent street lighting, as well as public buildings and homes.
"This work will contribute significantly to the progress and development of our beloved community of Santa Catalina, which only had a few hours of electric light a day. Thanks to the contribution of Volcan Compañía Minera, our population will improve their quality of life and our children will no longer have to continue studying with candles. It is definitely a great day for all of us," said community president Rufino Paredes Liceta.
Edgardo Zamora, Romina Project Manager of the mining company, said: "Electricity is of vital importance for the growth of communities, as it increases development opportunities on all scales, contributing to the economic activities of the area and generating new local businesses. Education, employment, health, tourism, among others, will also benefit".
In addition, Volcan's representative thanked the good will of the Board of Directors of Santa Catalina to carry out this work, to benefit the local residents. "This inauguration is a clear example that when we work hand in hand, company and community, we achieve the best results," he said.
The inauguration ceremony included a day full of activities, including the unveiling of the memorial plaque and the lighting of street lights in the main square of the community of Santa Catalina. A local orchestra, typical dances and the customary raising of the flag were also performed.
proEXPLO 2023: Descubriendo la Minería del Futuro
BHP: Social Value for Sustainable Mining
- January 10, 2023
BHP: Social Value for Sustainable Mining

For BHP, Social Value is the positive contribution that the company makes to society: to people, its partners, the economy, the environment and local communities. With this, it seeks to create mutual benefit in the long term, and thus fulfill its purpose of bringing people and resources together to build a better world.
With a presence in 90 locations and more than 80,000 workers, BHP is the world's largest natural resources company.
Thus, its strategy aims to generate Social Value and profitability through the production of resources that will be essential for the future: copper for the energy transition and decarbonization, nickel for electric vehicle batteries, potash for sustainable agriculture and food security, iron ore for infrastructure and metallurgical coal for steel production.
In Peru, the company aims to become one of the main players in the private mining sector. Today, BHP is developing different Social Value projects thanks to its Exploration team's work in the territories of Apurímac, Huancavelica, Ayacucho, Arequipa, Pasco and Moquegua. In addition, BHP has had an office in Lima since 2012. In addition, the company announced last September that it would invest US$12 million in new exploration projects in the country.
For BHP, generating Social Value is fundamental to making mining sustainable and generating prosperity for all.
According to René Muga, BHP Vice President of Corporate Affairs for the Americas: "At BHP we believe that our contribution is much more than creating profitability. We strive to generate Social Value, create shared prosperity and be an intrinsic part of the territories where we operate. We work every day to ensure that Social Value is at the core of everything we do".
With this vision, BHP updated its Social Value Framework to outline ambitious goals for 2030 that will allow the company to deepen its positive impact and address issues that have yet to be resolved. In this way, Social Value's work seeks to generate improvements in the areas of decarbonization and climate change, the environment, partnerships with Indigenous Peoples, a safe, inclusive and future-ready workforce, prosperous and empowered communities, and responsible supply chains.
For BHP, these pillars translate into concrete goals and actions, such as a 30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in its operations, the announcement of a US$4 billion investment to further reduce CO2 emissions, and other initiatives such as protecting biodiversity and rehabilitating or conserving at least 30% of the 6 million hectares that the company manages worldwide.
proEXPLO 2023: Descubriendo la Minería del Futuro
Key Seminar to Learn All About Epithermal Deposits and their Transition to Porphyry Systems
- January 9, 2023
Key Seminar to Learn All About Epithermal Deposits and their Transition to Porphyry Systems

As part of the seminars held within the framework of the 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers - proEXPLO 2023, the course "Epithermal Deposits and Transition to Porphyry-type Environment: Formation and Exploration" will be held soon.
On this occasion, we will study epithermal deposits that form in shallow magmatic-hydrothermal systems in volcanic arcs, usually with transition to deeper deposits hosted in intrusions of the porphyry system.
This will provide information to evaluate epithermal and porphyry prospects in order to determine the level of erosion, correctly interpret geochemical and geophysical anomalies, and estimate the location in relation to a potential deposit.
Epithermal deposits formed in extensional environments, including transarcs, will also be analyzed, as well as active hydrothermal systems, including fluid composition, flow pathways and mineralogy, among others.
The course will be taught by Jeffrey Hedenquist, an independent consultant to the mining industry and government groups in the exploration and evaluation of hydrothermal gold and copper projects, and who has worked for about 120 companies in more than 40 countries.
As well as Antonio Arribas, lecturer in the Department of Earth, Environmental and Resource Sciences, in addition to previously holding senior management positions in geosciences and exploration positions in companies such as Newmont, BHP and Placer Dome.
It should be noted that this will be a short course, to be held on Friday, May 5, 2023, from 9 am to 3 pm, in person at the headquarters of the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers, located at Calle Los Canarios 155-157 Urb. San Cesar, district of La Molina.
For registration, please send an email to or leave a message via WhatsApp to +51 951 294 314 / +51 952 192 021 / +51 955 750 108
proEXPLO 2023: Descubriendo la Minería del Futuro
Intensive Course to Learn More about Mineralizing Processes in Hydrothermal Systems
- January 9, 2023
Intensive Course to Learn More about Mineralizing Processes in Hydrothermal Systems

As part of the seminars of the 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers - proEXPLO 2023, the course "Mineralizing Processes in Hydrothermal Systems: Implications for Mineral Genesis and Exploration" will be held soon.
Its purpose will be to review sources and compositions of mineralizing fluids and to discuss metal transport and ore-forming processes, using examples of sediment-hosted mineral systems, porphyry, epithermal and skarn.
We will also review the environments in which potential ore-forming processes may operate, the major controversies surrounding ore genesis, and how these controversies may have implications for exploration models.
The course will be given by David Cooke, director of the Centre for Ore Deposit and Earth Sciences (CODES), and a researcher of the hydrothermal and magmatic processes leading to the formation of epithermal porphyry copper and gold ores since the mid 1980s.
In addition, the renowned geologist, together with a team of specialists, has studied the mineralogical and geochemical halos of porphyry and epithermal deposits for almost two decades, developing new geochemical exploration tools for mining.
This earned him the AMIRA International Award for Excellence in Geoscientific Research in 2012, in addition to other distinctions received from the Society of Economic Geologists in 2013 and the Australian Academy of Sciences in 2018.
It should be noted that this will be a short course, to be held on Friday, May 5, 2023, from 9 am to 3 pm, in person at the headquarters of the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers, located at Calle Los Canarios 155-157 Urb. San Cesar, district of La Molina.
For registration, please send an email to or leave a message via WhatsApp to +51 951 294 314 / +51 952 192 021 / +51 955 750 108
proEXPLO 2023: Descubriendo la Minería del Futuro
Participate in the Course "Fundamentals of Mineral Resource Estimation", within the Framework of proEXPLO 2023
- January 9, 2023
Participate in the Course "Fundamentals of Mineral Resource Estimation", within the Framework of proEXPLO 2023

The 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers - proEXPLO presents several specialized courses for professionals dedicated to mineral exploration, one of them is the Fundamentals of Mineral Resource Estimation course.
This is a very popular course at the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) mining convention that will be given in Lima by a team of professional experts from SLR Consulting, who will present the fundamentals of Mineral Resource estimation following the CIM Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves Best Practice Guidelines.
The target audience includes mainly exploration and mine geologists, as they are primarily responsible for the discovery, definition and production of mineral deposits.
The content starts with drilling databases and progresses to cover resource domains, exploratory data analysis, trend analysis, estimation techniques, cut-off grade calculation, classification criteria and Mineral Resource statement.
Specific considerations for the mineral resource model will be explored, including practical aspects such as the proposed mining method and equipment, as well as geostatistical aspects such as criteria in the proper selection of domains. SLR will explain the basics and importance of each step, and mention common risks and mistakes. The course will also be complemented with various exercises.
This course will be taught by Benjamín Sanfurgo, Principal Geologist at SLR Consulting, with more than 26 years of experience; Sean Horan, Technical Director of Geology and Principal Geologist at SLR Consulting; and Rosmery Cárdenas, Technical Manager of Geology and Principal Geologist at SLR Consulting.
The course will be held on Saturday May 6 and Sunday May 7, 2023, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
For registration and more information, please send an email to or contact via WhatsApp to +51 951 294 314 / +51 952 192 021 / +51 955 750 108
About proEXPLO
The International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers - proEXPLO is one of the main geological-mining events in Latin America and a mandatory meeting for companies and professionals involved in exploration-related activities.
Chaired by Sebastián Benavides and under the slogan "Discovering the mining of the future", the thirteenth edition of proEXPLO will be held from May 8 to 10, 2023 in the city of Lima.
proEXPLO 2023: Descubriendo la Minería del Futuro
proEXPLO Presents the Course "Geophysical Methods for Geologists"
- January 9, 2023
proEXPLO Presents the Course "Geophysical Methods for Geologists"

The 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers - proEXPLO presents several courses for professionals dedicated to mining and especially to mineral exploration, one of them is the "Geophysical Methods for Geologists" course.
This course will consist of a theoretical class that will present the various geophysical methods used by geologists in mineral exploration, geotechnical and underground water studies, with emphasis on the study of the Earth as a whole.
The class structure covers generalities, potential field methods (spontaneous potential, radiometry, gravimetry and magnetometry), electrical and electromagnetic methods (resistivity and induced polarization), and seismic methods (seismic refraction and active and passive source MASW).
The speaker in charge is Jose Arce, who holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Geology and Geophysics from the University of Missouri-Rolla and a Master of Science degree in Engineering Geophysics from the University of Arizona. Active in the sector since 1993, he has carried out more than 1,400 geophysical surveys and consultancies throughout the Americas. He is also a member of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG), where he has headed several committees.
The course will be held on May 11, 2023, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
For registration and more information, please send an email to or contact via WhatsApp to +51 951 294 314 / +51 952 192 021 / +51 955 750 108
About proEXPLO
The International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers - proEXPLO is one of the main geological-mining events in Latin America and a mandatory meeting for companies and professionals involved in exploration-related activities.
Chaired by Sebastián Benavides and under the slogan "Discovering the mining of the future", the thirteenth edition of proEXPLO will be held from May 8 to 10, 2023 in the city of Lima.
proEXPLO 2023: Descubriendo la Minería del Futuro
ProEXPLO Invites Participants to Attend the Course "Geochemistry of Hydrothermal Processes - Application to Mineral Exploration"
- January 9, 2023
ProEXPLO Invites Participants to Attend the Course "Geochemistry of Hydrothermal Processes - Application to Mineral Exploration"

In order to provide specialized training to professionals in the mining sector, especially those involved in mineral exploration, the 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers - proEXPLO presents the course Geochemistry of Hydrothermal Processes - Application to Mineral Exploration.
This course will address the characterization of alteration-mineralization associations and the interpretation of their geochemistry with respect to the development of hydrothermal systems. It is a practical course with various examples of mineralogical associations indicative of the maturity of a hydrothermal system and its location within a prospect.
As an integral part of the course, participants will discuss the topic, which will enhance learning, and the use of activity diagrams will help explain how mineralogical associations, both alteration and economic mineralization, develop.
The instructor for the course will be William X. Chavez Jr. who holds degrees in Geology and Mining Engineering, and M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in Geology from the University of California at Berkeley. He has been a professor of Geological Engineering and Geological Economics at the New Mexico School of Mines, Socorro, New Mexico, for more than 30 years. He also teaches practical courses for the Society of Economic Geologists.
His areas of expertise are the application of geochemistry to mineral exploration, interpretation of alteration associations, mobility of metals in the supergene environment, and application of geochemistry to mine reclamation.
This course is aimed at young professionals and graduate students. It will be held in person at the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP) on Sunday, May 7, 2023, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
For registration and more information, please send an email to or contact via WhatsApp to +51 951 294 314 / +51 952 192 021 / +51 955 750 108
About proEXPLO
The International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers - proEXPLO is one of the main geological-mining events in Latin America and a mandatory meeting for companies and professionals involved in exploration-related activities.
Chaired by Sebastián Benavides and under the slogan "Discovering the mining of the future", the thirteenth edition of proEXPLO will be held from May 8 to 10, 2023 in the city of Lima.
proEXPLO 2023: Descubriendo la Minería del Futuro
ProEXPLO 2023: Book your Booth and Be Part of the 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers
- Lima, November 29, 2022
ProEXPLO 2023: Book your Booth and Be Part of the 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers

As part of the proEXPLO 2023 event, 61 booths have been made available to showcase the technological products and services provided by the most important companies in the industry.
These booths are available in 3 different categories: Premium, Preferential and Standard.
Those interested will get the best locations and rates until February 28, 2023. Bookings will close on March 1, 2023.
To book your booth, please contact Martha Bordón at 982 097 015 or
For more information on the 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers, please visit the following link:
About proEXPLO
With an interesting conference program and top level guest speakers, the International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers - proEXPLO has become one of the main geological-mining meetings in Latin America and a mandatory meeting for companies and professionals working in exploration.
Chaired by Sebastián Benavides, the thirteenth edition of proEXPLO will be held from May 8 to 10, 2023 in the city of Lima.
proEXPLO 2023: Descubriendo la Minería del Futuro
ProEXPLO 2023: Deadline for Submitting Technical Papers is November 30
- Lima, November 28, 2022
ProEXPLO 2023: Deadline for Submitting Technical Papers is November 30
The deadline for submitting technical abstracts to the Technical Committee of proEXPLO 2023 will be November 30, while the jury's verdict on the accepted papers will be published on December 30.
In this regard, five thematic groups have been established regarding the content that can be covered by the research: mineral resources for a sustainable future, innovation in the exploration of mineral resources, new discoveries and project advances, advances in the knowledge of mineral systems, and environment, society and governance..
Technical abstracts must be sent to the following e-mail address:
For more details, please visit the following link:
For more information, you can contact Mara Barrera at +51 999 682 109.
About proEXPLO
With an interesting conference program and top level guest speakers, the International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers - proEXPLO has become one of the main geological-mining meetings in Latin America and a mandatory meeting for companies and professionals working in exploration.
Chaired by Sebastián Benavides, the thirteenth edition of proEXPLO will be held from May 8 to 10, 2023 in the city of Lima.
proEXPLO 2023: Descubriendo la Minería del Futuro
- 31 de octubre del 2022

The Technical Committee of proEXPLO 2023 announced that the call for abstracts of technical papers to be presented at the 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers 2023 has been extended.
The deadline for the submission of technical abstracts will be November 30 of this year, while the jury's verdict on the accepted papers will be published on December 30.
The following five thematic groups have been established regarding the content that can be covered by the research: mineral resources for a sustainable future, innovation in the exploration of mineral resources, new discoveries and project advances, advances in the knowledge of mineral systems, and environment, society and governance.
For further instructions and editorial guidelines for authors, as well as the format to be used, please visit:
Please note that technical abstracts must be sent to the following e-mail address: For further information, please contact Mara Barrera at +51 999 682 109.
About proEXPLO
With an interesting conference program and top level guest speakers, the International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers - proEXPLO has become one of the main geological-mining meetings in Latin America and a mandatory meeting for companies and professionals working in exploration.
Chaired by Sebastián Benavides, the thirteenth edition of proEXPLO will be held from May 8 to 10, 2023 in the city of Lima.
proEXPLO 2023: Descubriendo la Minería del Futuro
Jeffrey Hedenquist, Leading International Mining Industry Consultant, to Participate in proEXPLO 2023
- Lima, October 26, 2022
Jeffrey Hedenquist, Leading International Mining Industry Consultant, to Participate in proEXPLO 2023

Jeffrey Hedenquist is an independent mining exploration consultant who also advises government agencies, with a particular focus on the epithermal precious metals environment and the transition to the tops of porphyry copper deposits. This outstanding professional will participate as speaker at the 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers - proEXPLO 2023.
Dr. Hedenquist has served as a consultant for 120 companies in more than 40 countries, including both field and classroom training. Prior to the 1990s, he spent 10 years working at government institutions in New Zealand and Japan on the development of geothermal energy and volcanic discharges. During that time, he also studied the formation of epithermal and porphyry deposits.
He is also an adjunct professor at the University of Ottawa and associate editor of the journal Economic Geology. In addition, he has participated in various missions and professional training programs in Latin America, Asia and Eurasia.
For a closer look at the current mining exploration landscape, we invite you to participate in proEXPLO, an event organized by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP) to be held in person from May 8 to 10, 2023, in the city of Lima. The slogan of this year's international congress is "Discovering the mining of the future".
proEXPLO 2023: Descubriendo la Minería del Futuro
David Cooke, Director of CODES, to Speak at proEXPLO 2023
- Lima, October 26, 2022
David Cooke, Director of CODES, to Speak at proEXPLO 2023

The 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers - proEXPLO 2023 will feature speaker David Cooke, Director of the Centre for Ore Deposit and Earth Sciences (CODES) at the University of Tasmania.
Dr. Cooke has over 30 years of experience investigating hydrothermal and magmatic processes leading to the formation of epithermal porphyry copper-gold ores, in collaboration with his students, postdoctoral research fellows and colleagues.
He also has in-depth knowledge of the mineralogical and geochemical halos of porphyry and epithermal deposits, for which he has developed new geochemical exploration tools for the mining industry.
For this, he was recognized with the AMIRA International Award for Geoscience Research Excellence in 2012. He also received the Thayer Lindsley Lecturer Award from the Society of Economic Geologists in 2005, the SEG Silver Medal in 2013, the Haddon Forrester King Medal from the Australian Academy of Science in 2018 and was SEG Distinguished Lecturer in 2021. He has been an associate editor of Economic Geology since 2001.
His extensive experience and research results will be shared during the proEXPLO event organized by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP), to be held in person from May 8 to 10, 2023, in the city of Lima. The slogan of this year's international congress is "Discovering the mining of the future".
proEXPLO 2023: Descubriendo la Minería del Futuro
- Lima, July 27, 2022

As part of the activities of Road to proEXPLO 2023, organized by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP), the virtual seminar Spectral Geology: past, present and future perspectives using remote sensors of multiple scales (terrestrial, aerial and space) will be held.
For this purpose, there will be distinguished speakers: Roberto Filho, from the University of Campinas, who will present an overview; Miguel Martinez, from ALS Global, who will present on the vectorization of mineral deposits using spectral responses of alteration minerals; and Aline Anjos, Senior Geologist and industry expert, who will explain examples from the mining industry and analyze future perspectives.
This seminar will be held on August 10 from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., via Zoom. The seminar is aimed at both national and international professionals in the sector, and the presentations will be given simultaneously in Spanish and English.
Please register to participate by clicking on the following link:
Road to proEXPLO 2023
Road to proEXPLO is the webinar program that precedes the International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers (proEXPLO), one of the leading geological-mining events in Latin America and a must-attend meeting for companies and professionals working in exploration.
proEXPLO is organized by the IIMP and will be held in person from May 8 to 10, 2023, in the city of Lima, under the slogan "Discovering the mining of the future".
- Lima, July 26, 2022

The Technical Committee of proEXPLO 2023 announced the call for abstracts for technical papers to be presented at the 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers 2023, to be held from May 8 to 10.
According to the representatives, the deadline for receiving technical abstracts will be extended until October 30 of this year, while the verdict of the qualifying jury regarding the admitted papers will be published on December 30.
The research topics should address five main aspects: mineral resources for a sustainable future, innovation in mineral resource exploration, new discoveries and project advances, advances in the knowledge of mineral systems, and environment, society and governance.
"All technical papers will be submitted to a committee of specialists for evaluation. The opinions and suggestions issued by them will be transmitted to the authors to make the corresponding corrections, as well as the pertinent clarifications or disclaimers," said the president of proEXPLO 2023, Engineer Sebastián Benavides.
For further instructions and editorial guidelines for authors, as well as the format to be used, please visit:
Technical abstracts should be sent to the following e-mail address: For further information, please contact Mara Barrera at +51 999 682 109.
About proEXPLO
Due to its interesting conference program and outstanding keynote speakers, the International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers - proEXPLO has become one of the main geological-mining events in Latin America and a mandatory meeting for companies and professionals working in exploration.
- Lima, July 13, 2022

The 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers - proEXPLO 2023 will feature the renowned professional, Stephanie Mrozek, senior geologist at Donlin Gold LLC, located north of Crooked Creek, Alaska.
Stephanie Mrozek has over 16 years of industry and applied academic experience. She is an economic geologist specializing in skarn and porphyry deposits, hydrothermal alteration and lithogeochemistry. She is certified by the American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG) with international experience in mining and metals exploration.
In 2018, she wrote a PhD thesis titled: "The Giant Antamina Deposit, Peru: Intrusive Sequence, Skarn Formation, and Mineralisation", in which she analyzes the storage and supplies of the polymetallic mining complex containing one of the most important copper deposits in the world.
During her tenure in the Canadian company International Metals Group, period 2009-2011, she led the Nixon Fork Mine project in Alaska. She led the surface exploration and an underground definition drilling program and was responsible for target generation, geologic modeling and drilling planning.
Then she joined Newmont Corporation for the development of North American generative exploration projects in Alaska and Mexico, and was in charge of the geological modeling of an orogenic gold system in the Guiana Shield, Suriname.
She has a relevant background in project management, planning and supervision of drilling programs, greenfields and brownfields exploration for junior, medium and large mining companies, extensive experience in underground and surface mine geology/operations, as well as extractive metallurgy, assays, gold refining and milling operations.
She also excels because of her good practices in research, teaching and technical writing.
About proEXPLO
It is one of the leading geological-mining events in Latin America and a must-attend meeting for companies and professionals working in exploration.
This Congress, promoted by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers, will hold its thirteenth edition, entitled "Discovering the Mining of the Future" from May 8 to 10, 2023, in the city of Lima, Peru.
- Lima, July 13, 2022

The 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers - proEXPLO 2023 will have as special guest speaker Cyril Chelle-Michou, French scientist and Assistant Professor of Mineral Resource Systems at the Institute of Geochemistry and Petrology, Department of Earth Sciences, since December 2018.
He obtained a double degree in Geological Engineering from the Ecole Nationale de Geologie de Nancy (ENSG), France, and a Master's degree in Earth Sciences from Luleå University of Technology (LTU), Sweden, in 2008.
From 2014 to 2018, he was a postdoctoral researcher successively at the University of Geneva, Jean Monnet University (Saint-Etienne, France) and the University of Bristol (UK).
Cyril Chelle-Michou's research focuses on the study of mineral resources. He adopts an interdisciplinary approach in which methods, data and concepts spanning a wide range of fields (economic geology, geochronology, petrology, geochemistry, tectonics and numerical modeling) are interconnected to unravel the processes that have shaped our planet and created nature, resources on which our society depends.
His approach considers crust-wide scale mineral resource systems within which a variety of geological processes may have converged to form small-scale concentrations of metals.
The main research objectives of his group are to: identify and quantify the relative importance of various geological processes in controlling the size of mineral deposits and the number of mineral belts, quantify magmatic-hydrothermal flows in dynamically (temporally and spatially) evolving systems, develop new exploration methods and decision-making tools to help identify mineralization with the greatest potential as early as possible, and develop high-precision geochronological methods.
About proEXPLO
It is one of the leading geological-mining events in Latin America and a must-attend meeting for companies and professionals working in exploration.
This Congress, promoted by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers, will hold its thirteenth edition, entitled "Discovering the Mining of the Future" from May 8 to 10, 2023, in the city of Lima, Peru.
- Lima, June 28, 2022

Peru remains one of the preferred destinations for mining exploration, ranking 7th in the world ranking for investment in this area. So explained Alvaro Fernandez-Baca, member of the Organizing Committee of proEXPLO 2023 and Vice President of Exploration at TINKA RESOURCES, during the conference organized by the Peru-Canada Chamber of Commerce (PCCC) in Toronto, Canada
"Greenfield Exploration in Peru: Reality and Opportunities" was the name of the conference where Fernández-Baca spoke about the favorable conditions of our country as an investment destination.
He pointed out, for example, that in 2021, US$ 441 million was invested in Peru for mining exploration, which represents 3.9% of the global investment that amounted to US$ 11.2 billion.
Likewise, he highlighted the advance in exploration investment registered between January and March of this year, which amounted to US$ 73 million, according to the Ministry of Energy and Mines; and in total, mining investment in the same period amounted to more than US$ 1 billion.
However, Fernandez-Baca said that the number of Greenfield projects currently being explored (not only waiting for permits) is insufficient. The Peruvian exploration portfolio has a total of 63 projects, but much more of the country's potential could be exploited.
Therefore, he highlighted the advantages to develop more mining exploration in Peru, such as the great geological potential, the competitive mining grade, the highly qualified mining services industry, and a long mining tradition that today is evidenced by successful projects that have a significant impact on the quality of life of the population.
It should also be noted that it is currently the second largest copper producer in the world and is among the top four producers of silver, lead, zinc and tin.
proEXPLO 2023
On the other hand, during the conference, the 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers - proEXPLO 2023 was presented by the president of its Organizing Committee, Sebastián Benavides.
Benavides invited professionals in the sector, as well as mining concession holders, to present their projects with a technical basis so that they can be exhibited during the congress, which will be held from May 8 to 10, 2023 in the city of Lima, Peru, under the slogan "Discovering the mining of the future".
- Lima, June 24, 2022

The discoverer of Chevron Corporation's Lisheen lead, zinc, and silver mine in Ireland in 1990, Murray Hitzman, confirmed his participation as a keynote speaker at the 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers - proEXPLO 2023.
He currently serves as Director of the Irish Centre for Research in Applied Geosciences (iCRAG), and as Research Professor of the Science Foundation Ireland, University College Dublin.
Until December 2017, he served successfully as associate director of Energy and Minerals at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS); and, in 2006, as president of the Society of Economic Geologists (SEG).
Previously, he served on the boards of numerous junior exploration mining companies and larger companies.
In 1996, he was appointed Professor of Economic Geology at the Colorado School of Mines and became head of the Department of Geology and Engineering Geology in 2002, where he focused on research in the Central African Copperbelt.
He was also a policy analyst in the U.S. Senate and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy from 1993 to 1996.
He is also noted for his experience in the oil and mineral industries from 1976 to 1993, primarily in mineral exploration around the world.
For his valuable contributions, he has been recognized with the SEG Silver Medal in 1999, the Daniel C. Jackling Award from the Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration, the Des Pretorius Award from the Geological Society of South Africa in 2015, and the Haddon Forrester King Medal from the Australian Academy of Sciences in 2016.
Murray Hitzman holds a BS degree in geology and anthropology from Dartmouth College (1976), a BS degree in geology from the University of Washington (1978), and a PhD degree in geology from Stanford University (1983).
About proEXPLO
Organized by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers, proEXPLO is one of the main geological-mining meetings in Latin America and a must-attend event for companies and professionals working in exploration.
The thirteenth edition of proEXPLO will be held under the slogan "Discovering the Mining of the Future" between May 8 and 10, 2023, in the city of Lima, Peru.
- Lima, June 24, 2022

The 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers - proEXPLO 2023, will have the presence of speaker Massimo Chiaradia, full professor at the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Geneva, in Switzerland.
He is recognized for his contributions in the field of research on deposit interactions and their timing in different spheres of the Earth system, from the atmosphere, through the biosphere and hydrosphere, to the Earth's crust.
During the last few years, this highly respected researcher has developed a strong interest in the associations between the geodynamic environment, magma petrogenesis and the formation of porphyry-type deposits at convergent margins.
He is also working on technical developments in the field of whole rock lead isotope analysis and mineral dating, using Pb-Pb and Re-Os leaching techniques; as well as in the field of the application of non-traditional stable isotopes (Cl, Cu and Zn) to the petrogenesis of arc magmas.
Likewise, at present, he continues his research on the ratios of magmatic processes and their influence in the genesis of porphyry deposits, the petrogenesis of andesites and their implication in the growth of the crust, and the Cu and Zn isotopic composition of magmatic rocks and volcanic fumaroles.
In parallel, he is in charge of projects in collaboration with researchers from the Section of Environmental and Earth Sciences of Geneva, University of Padova and UNLIL, on petrogenesis of magmatic rocks and Sr isotope stratigraphy.
Regarding his academic profile, Massimo Chiaradia holds a Master's degree in Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Physics from the University of Padova (1982), as well as a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Fribourg (1990).
About proEXPLO
Organized by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers, proEXPLO is one of the main geological-mining meetings in Latin America and a must-attend event for companies and professionals working in exploration.
This 13th edition of proEXPLO will be entitled "Discovering the Mining of the Future" and will be held on May 8-10, 2023, in Lima, Peru.
- Lima, June 21, 2022

John Thompson, Canadian specialist in exploration, mining and sustainability, and currently Senior Consultant at PetraScience Consultant Inc. will be one of the outstanding speakers participating in the 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers - proEXPLO 2023.
With over 35 years of experience in the mining industry and mining-related research, John has held important leadership positions in many organizations, such as Teck Resources, Genome BC, the World Economic Forum, Resources for Future Generations 2018, Society of Economic Geologists, Geoscience BC, Canada Mining Innovation Council and MDRU-UBC.
In addition, he is a director and advisory board member of several exploration, technology and venture capital companies, as well as non-profit organizations focused on resources and sustainability.
It is worth mentioning that in 1996, John was co-editor of the "Atlas of Alteration", which forms the only comprehensive source of information on minerals commonly found in alteration associated with mineral deposits and is still on sale through the Geological Association of Canada.
To access the conference where this specialist will share his knowledge on mining exploration and innovation, we invite you to attend proEXPLO 2023, an event organized by the Institute of Mining Engineers of Peru, which will be held in person from May 8 to 10, 2023, in the city of Lima, under the slogan "Discovering the mining of the future".
- Lima, June 21, 2022

The 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers - proEXPLO 2023 will feature Canadian speaker Anne Thompson, president of PetraScience Consultants Inc. who is one of the 100 Global Inspirational Women in Mining (WIM100), highlighted by Women in Mining UK in 2020.
Anne Thompson is a specialist in economic geology, focused on innovation, sustainability and responsible mining. She has over thirty-five years' experience working in and advising the mineral exploration industry, including fieldwork and applied mineralogy, providing innovative approaches to mapping alteration minerals.
She founded PetraScience in 1995, which focuses on alteration mineral deposit studies with application to exploration, mine development and remediation. A key service was the early application of field spectrometers to map mineralogy.
Today, Anne leads PetraScience with her partner John Thompson, with a focus on technology, sustainability and innovation in the mining industry, and on developing communication channels that bring more diverse voices and a broader point of view to the global mining conversation.
It is worth mentioning that in 1996, Anne co-edited the "Atlas of Alteration", which continues to be available for sale through the Geological Association of Canada and remains the only comprehensive source of information on minerals commonly found in alteration associated with mineral deposits.
Much of her experience and knowledge will be shared during proEXPLO, an event organized by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers, which will be held from May 8 to 10, 2023, in Lima, Peru. The slogan of this edition of the international congress is "Discovering the mining of the future".
- Lima, June 13, 2022

Eng. Sebastián Benavides is the president of the 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers, proEXPLO 2023, and will be present at PDAC 2022, the most important mining convention in the world, where he will promote Peru as the main destination for investment in the discovery of its vast and hidden geological wealth. In this interview, he also analyzes the outlook for existing mining projects and new ones on the way, as well as his perspective for lithium.
Why are you attending PDAC and what activities do you plan to develop in this major global mining meeting?
PDAC is a great opportunity to promote mining and mineral exploration in Peru. Therefore, we will be present at different events throughout the convention, including those organized by the Peruvian Canadian Chamber of Commerce, among others. Our mission is to promote mining exploration in Peru, seeking to generate investment bridges in exploration projects, as well as to promote the ProExplo 2023 conference.
What is the message or reflection that you intend to spread as president of proEXPLO at this outstanding mining event?
The message we would like to promote is that Peru continues to be a great investment destination for long-term mineral exploration. While it is true that we are experiencing uncertain times at a political level, we are still a country with a lot of undiscovered mining potential and with many long-term opportunities. We need to lead by example and be leaders in an increasingly responsible, inclusive and sustainable mineral exploration industry.
Investments in mineral exploration continue to grow, but there are no new contracts in this area signed by the State this year, so how can we remedy this situation?
I believe that this reflects the lack of confidence and support being received from the current government, but the growth in investment in mining exploration shows that investors continue to believe in Peru as a long-term investment destination. Now, although mining exploration investments are growing, they are not growing at the rate we see worldwide.
What facts demonstrate the reality of this situation?
For example, in 2021, S&P Global reports that mining exploration grew 18% in Peru, but 35% globally. This means that we are losing competitiveness against countries such as Canada, Chile or Australia due to the bureaucratic barriers for mineral exploration in Peru and the challenges presented by the current political situation.
There is concern about the lack of new world-class projects under construction after Quellaveco, how could the development of the current portfolio be accelerated?
There are two ways to do this, which are not mutually exclusive. The first is that we must make existing projects viable. We have many deposits already discovered waiting to be built, and we must make a joint effort between the company, the state and society to reach agreements to make the projects viable in a sustainable and responsible manner, for the benefit of the population.
What is the other way?
The second way involves new discoveries, and for this we must continue to invest in exploration, and count on the support of the state to make the mineral exploration industry more competitive and agile, thus achieving discoveries that can benefit the country in a shorter period of time. This second path will be the focus of ProExplo 2023, which under the slogan "Discovering the Mining of the Future", seeks to promote mining exploration as a catalyst towards an increasingly sustainable, inclusive and responsible industry.
From your position as a geologist, what is Peru's potential for lithium deposits?
The discovery of Falchani in Puno brings a new frontier of exploration in the country: lithium in hard rock. With the increase in demand and price of lithium, an increase in resources and discoveries will be needed. With discoveries such as Falchani, the sixth largest hard rock lithium deposit in the world, Peru is showing potential to join Chile, Argentina and Bolivia as another major player in lithium production in South America.
So what is needed to boost the development of domestic lithium?
To boost its exploitation, we must promote Peru as an investment destination in this space and work with the state to motivate policies that promote this investment. It is a new frontier and it will be very competitive.
- Lima, June 10, 2022.

The Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP) will once again participate in the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC), the main mining exploration and exploitation event in the world, to be held from June 13 to 15, 2022, in Toronto.
The 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers (proEXPLO 2023), the leading geological-mining event in Latin America, will also be promoted at this international meeting, where the main mining jurisdictions worldwide will seek to showcase their main attributes to attract the greatest amount of investment to their territories.
In representation of the IIMP, this edition will be attended by Sebastián Benavides, president of proEXPLO 2023, and Álvaro Fernández-Baca, member of the Organizing Committee of the event, who will participate in the Kick Off (June 13) and the Peruvian Cocktail (June 14) of the PDAC, respectively.
ProEXPLO 2023 is an event organized by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers and will be held in person from May 8 to 10, 2023, in the city of Lima. This edition of the international congress will be entitled "Discovering the mining of the future".
It is worth mentioning that Peru's participation in PDAC 2022 is in charge of the Peruvian Canadian Chamber of Commerce. Peruvian representatives will have the opportunity to interact with more than 660 investors from 135 countries and more than 514 exhibitors, in an event that helps participants to build links for professional and/or commercial purposes.
- Lima, April 26, 2022

In the framework of Road to proEXPLO 2023, this Tuesday 26th, the virtual seminar on: “What do we know about MVT deposits and the potential for discoveries in Peru?” will be given, organized by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers and the Organizing Committee of the International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers
According to the promoters, Rumbo a proEXPLO 2023 will have speakers of national and international trajectory, who will explain in detail from the natural formation of this type of deposits, through the most successful case studies, to the opportunities that exist to find new discoveries.
Thus, the following experts and research topics will be featured on Rumbo a proEXPLO 2023:
- Eng. Dave Leach
- MVT deposits in general (formation process, ore, host rocks, alteration, etc.).
- MVT in Peru and its residual potential to find more.
- Exploration tools.
- Eng. Saulo Oliveira
- New academic findings on the Shalipayco and Florida Canyon deposits.
- Eng. Watson Flores
- The MVTs of Peru - a field geologist's perspective (bring lots of photos, textures, sections, interpretation, mineralization controls).
- Where can we find new MVT deposits in Peru?
Access to the seminar is subject to a fee and those interested can register at the following link:
For further information, please contact Jhoselyn Molina:
WhatsApp: +51 952 192 021
proEXPLO 2023: Discovering The Mining Of The Future
- Lima, March 31, 2022

This April 26th, a new edition of Road to proEXPLO 2023 (Rumbo a proEXPLO 2023) will be held, focused on Mississippi Valley Type (MVT) deposits and the potential for discoveries in Peru, which will be streamed live through Zoom's virtual platform.
This edition will feature renowned experts on the subject, who will address everything from the natural formation of this type of deposits, through the most successful case studies, to the existing opportunities for new discoveries
David Leach
One of the speakers will be Eng. David Leach, a graduate of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and a doctorate from the University of Missouri.
He worked at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory for 5 years as a project scientist in uranium geochemistry, hydrothermal alteration experiments on porphyry ores and exploration geochemistry. He also joined the U.S. Geological Survey, where he worked for more than 34 years.
He is currently a research professor at the Colorado School of Mines, an adjunct professor at James Cook University, a visiting professor at China University of Geosciences and a consultant to the minerals industry.
In Road to proEXPLO 2023, Eng. David Leach will elaborate on the following topics: MVT deposits in general; MVT in Peru and its potential to find more; and exploration tools.
Saulo Oliveira
Saulo Oliveira, who is currently a researcher at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, will also participate as a speaker.
He has a long career in the mining industry, having worked in deposits in South America and Africa.
His current research has focused on 3D geological modeling, CO2 geological storage and economic geology.
He will be responsible for sharing detailed information on new academic findings about the Shalipayco and Florida Canyon deposits for the viewers of Road to proEXPLO 2023.
Watson Flores
Watson Flores, a geological engineer from the Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, will also participate as a speaker.
He led exploration campaigns for zinc, lead, silver and copper minerals in different deposits in and outside Peru, such as the local projects of Bongará and Shalipayco, and the Aguilar (Argentina) and Punitaqui (Chile) mines.
Subsequently, he resumed leadership in the Shalipayco and Cañón Florida projects of Nexa Resources, for which he was able to increase the mineral resources to 30 million and 22 million tons, respectively.
In Road to proEXPLO, he will elaborate on: the MVTs of Peru; perspectives of a field geologist; and the possible locations of new MVT deposits to be found in Peru.
Registration is open
Access to Road to proEXPLO is subject to a fee and those interested may register at the following link:
For further information, please contact Jhoselyn Molina:
WhatsApp: +51 952 192 021
proEXPLO 2023: Discovering The Mining Of The Future
- Lima, March 25, 2022

The Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers and the Organizing Committee of the Congress of Prospectors and Explorers announced the launch of the third cycle of conferences of Rumbo a proEXPLO 2023 (Road to proEXPLO 2023), with the aim of sharing information about new advances in geological activity in the country and the world.
This edition of Rumbo a proEXPLO 2023 will be entitled: "What do we know about MVT deposits and the potential for discoveries in Peru?", and will be held through the Zoom platform, next April 26, from 6 to 10 pm, with technical presentations that will be translated from English to Spanish and vice versa
According to the promoters, Rumbo a proEXPLO 2023 will have speakers of national and international trajectory, who will explain in detail from the natural formation of this type of deposits, through the most successful case studies, to the opportunities that exist to find new discoveries.
For this, we will have international specialists with extensive experience in the area of geology, who will share their knowledge, experiences and visions about mining geology in Peru and the world.
Thus, the following experts and research topics will be featured on Rumbo a proEXPLO 2023:
- Eng. Dave Leach
- MVT deposits in general (formation process, ore, host rocks, alteration, etc.).
- MVT in Peru and its residual potential to find more.
- Exploration tools.
- Eng. Saulo Oliveira
- New academic findings on the Shalipayco and Florida Canyon deposits.
- Eng. Watson Flores
- The MVTs of Peru - a field geologist's perspective (bring lots of photos, textures, sections, interpretation, mineralization controls).
- Where can we find new MVT deposits in Peru?
Rumbo a proEXPLO is being developed for the third time to pave the way for the 13th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers, to be held May 8-10, 2023, with the slogan "Discovering the mining of the future", under the presidency of the renowned engineer Sebastián Benavides.
Access to Rumbo a proEXPLO has a cost and those interested can register at the following link:
For further information, please contact Jhoselyn Molina:
WhatsApp: +51 952 192 021
proEXPLO 2023: Discovering The Mining Of The Future
- Lima, March 7th, 2022

The virtual seminar Road to proEXPLO 2023 (Rumbo a proEXPLO 2023) will be held this Tuesday, March 8, at 7 p.m., with the presence of three outstanding international speakers, as confirmed by the Organizing Committee and the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers.
In this way, the Road to proEXPLO 2023 webinar will analyze and debate about the topic: "What do we know about VMS-type deposits and what is the potential for new discoveries in Peru?".
The seminar will deepen current information on VMS deposits and the tools for their exploration; the science of VMS and the possibilities of new discoveries in Peru; and the geology of the Cerro Lindo mining unit and its existing potential.
For this, we will have international specialists with extensive experience in the area of geology, who will share their knowledge, experiences and visions about mining geology in Peru and the world.
In this regard, we will be joined by:
- Steve Piercey, his research on VMS deposits has focused on their larger scale tectonic and magmatic settings, emphasizing their volcanic, sedimentary and hydrothermal reconstruction; the sources of metals, fluids and sulfur; and their relationship to the evolution of the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere.
- Thomas Monecke, an economic geologist specializing in the formation of base and precious metal deposits in modern and ancient volcanic arcs. He has more than 25 years of experience in geological research and mineral exploration.
- Jean Paul Bueno, current Geology Manager of Cerro Lindo, Nexa Resources. He has geological experience in polymetallic, VMS, skarn, copper-bearing strata and low gold sulfidation epithermal deposits.
Road to proEXPLO 2023 is a virtual event that paves the way to the 13th edition of the International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers, to be held May 8-10 next year.
You can register for this seminar at:
Also, feel free to contact Jhoselyn Molina:
WhatsApp: +51 952 192 021
proEXPLO 2023: Discovering The Mining Of The Future
- Lima, February 23, 2022

The virtual seminar Road to proEXPLO 2023 (Rumbo a proEXPLO 2023) will be held this Tuesday, March 8, at 7 p.m., with the presence of three outstanding international speakers, as confirmed by the Organizing Committee and the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers.
In this way, the Road to proEXPLO 2023 webinar will analyze and debate about the topic: "What do we know about VMS-type deposits and what is the potential for new discoveries in Peru?".
The seminar will deepen current information on VMS deposits and the tools for their exploration; the science of VMS and the possibilities of new discoveries in Peru; and the geology of the Cerro Lindo mining unit and its existing potential.
For this, we will have international specialists with extensive experience in the area of geology, who will share their knowledge, experiences and visions about mining geology in Peru and the world.
In this regard, we will be joined by:
- Steve Piercey, his research on VMS deposits has focused on their larger scale tectonic and magmatic settings, emphasizing their volcanic, sedimentary and hydrothermal reconstruction; the sources of metals, fluids and sulfur; and their relationship to the evolution of the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere.
- Thomas Monecke, an economic geologist specializing in the formation of base and precious metal deposits in modern and ancient volcanic arcs. He has more than 25 years of experience in geological research and mineral exploration.
- Jean Paul Bueno, current Geology Manager of Cerro Lindo, Nexa Resources. He has geological experience in polymetallic, VMS, skarn, copper-bearing strata and low gold sulfidation epithermal deposits.
Road to proEXPLO 2023 is a virtual event that paves the way to the 13th edition of the International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers, to be held May 8-10 next year.
You can register for this seminar at:
Also, feel free to contact Jhoselyn Molina:
WhatsApp: +51 952 192 021
proEXPLO 2023: Descubriendo la Minería del Futuro