• April 10, 2024

Road to proEXPLO: COP 28 and Mineral Exploration to be Discussed this April 22nd

How to cope with climate change and, at the same time, strengthen the development of mining exploration will be one of the focuses of the seminar.

Lima, April 10, 2024. The 14th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers - proEXPLO 2025, presents its first seminar on the Road to proEXPLO, as a prelude to the central event to be held in 2025.

This first edition of Road to proEXPLO is dedicated to "COP28 and Mineral Exploration: How are they related?" Therefore, it will focus on analyzing the relationship between mining exploration and climate change and will take as its main reference the topics discussed at the 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change - COP28 held in 2023.

This seminar will be held virtually and will feature three notable speakers: Fabiola Muñoz, former Minister of the Environment in Peru, who will detail the results of the COP28 and how climate change will affect Peru; John Thompson, consultant geologist, will also participate and will discuss "Metals for Energy Transition, Carbon Neutral Mining and Carbon Mineralization"; and Patricio Valderrama, General Manager of Geológica Consultores, whose topic will be "Acting for Resilience to Climate Change: New Infrastructures and Nature- Based Solutions".

The appointment is on April 22, from 7:00 to 10:30 p.m., through the Zoom platform. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in Spanish and English, according to the needs of the participants.


IIMP associates as well as the general public with links to mining exploration, whether they are students, teachers or employees of companies in the sector, are invited to participate.

Register by clicking on the following link: wform

For further information, please contact us by e-mail at or by cell phone at +51 951 294 314.

proEXPLO 2025: Discovering mineral resources for a better world
+51 951 294 314  Register
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