• April 22, 2024

Today's Road to proEXPLO: Mining Exploration and the Challenge of Climate Change

Conference that brings together leading experts to reflect on the sustainable future of the industry will be held today, April 22, at 7 p.m.

Lima, April 22, 2024. In a global context marked by climate change, the mining industry is at the heart of the debate with its commitment to sustainability and emissions mitigation. In this context, the 14th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers - proEXPLO, anticipates with its first thematic event, entitled “COP28 and Mineral Exploration: How are they related?”.

Mining exploration, a crucial stage in the beginning of mining development, will be the starting point of this conference that seeks to merge the need to address climate change with the promotion of the mining sector. With the participation of experts, the virtual session scheduled for April 22, 2024, from 7:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. through the Zoom platform, promises to be a space for reflection and debate on the challenges and opportunities faced by the industry.

One of the focal points will be the analysis of the results of COP28, the 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, held in 2023. Experts such as Fabiola Muñoz, former Peruvian Minister of the Environment, will share their views on how the commitments made at this global forum will affect the South American country and, by extension, the mining industry.

Crucial issues such as the need for metals for the energy transition, the feasibility of carbon neutral mining and the potential of carbon mineralization will also be addressed. John Thompson, a geological consultant, will be in charge of deepening these aspects, while Patricio Valderrama, general manager of Geológica Consultores, will speak about new infrastructures and solutions based on nature to face climate change.

This event represents a unique opportunity to explore how the mining industry can effectively contribute to the fight against climate change while driving its own sustainable development.

The conference, organized in collaboration with the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP), is open to both members and the general public involved in mining exploration, including students, teachers and workers in the sector.


The conference is aimed at both members of the Institute of Mining Engineers of Peru (IIMP) and the general public who are related to mining exploration, whether they are students, teachers or employees of companies in the sector.

Register by clicking on the following link: 4_Oz2sLPw/viewform

For further information, please contact us by e-mail at or by cell phone at +51 951 294 314.

proEXPLO 2025: Discovering mineral resources for a better world
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